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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Async API wrapper for Morale (




Asynchronous Morale client API for node.js

morale-node is an asynchronous API wrapper for Morale.


Morale-node is not yet available through NPM. It will be; and when it is, we will update the documentation.

For now, download it to ~/node_modules/morale_node within your project.


Configuring the API

Your API key can be obtained from your profile in Morale.

var morale = require('morale-node');
var m = new morale("subdomain", "api_key");

The new keyword is not required, in case you forget it.

var m = morale("subdomain", "api_key");


All callbacks within morale-node accept two arguments: result and error.

function moraleCallback(res, err) {

The error object is always an object containing two properties: statusCode and message.

  statusCode: 404, //HTTP Error Code from the Morale request.
  message: "Ticket not found", //Error Code provided by Morale.


  • If a Morale request was successful (HTTP200 or HTTP201), no error object will be provided.
  • If no error message was provided by Morale, the default message for that HTTP status code will be used.

Project API

Project Objects

For addProject and UpdateProject:
These methods accept a Project JSON object with the following properties:

id: Identity for the project to update. Used only in updateProject.
name: Name to give the project. Required for addProject and updateProject.

  id: 5,
  name: "Build morale-node module",

Project Methods

getProjects returns all projects associated with your Morale subdomain.
Output: projectDataArray - an array of project objects. Each array item will contain an object with a single project property, containing the project JSON.

m.getProjects(function (projectDataArray, err) {

getProjects returns information for the specified project.
Input: projectId - the project to retrieve from Morale.
Output: projectData - a single project JSON object.

m.getProject(projectId, function (projectData, err) {

addProject creates a new project within Morale.
Input: projectJson - project data to add to Morale.
Output: projectData - a single project JSON object; the new project.

var projectJson = {name: "My New Project"};
m.addProject(projectJson, function (projectData, err) {

updateProject modifies a project within Morale. Currently, only the project's name can be updated.
Input: projectJson - project data to update with Morale.
Output: projectData - a single project JSON object; the updated project.

var projectJson = {id: 5, name: "Updated Project Name"};
m.updateProject(projectJson, function (projectData, err) {

deleteProject will delete a project from Morale, including all tickets within the project.
Input: projectId - the project to delete from Morale.
Output: projectData - a single project JSON object; the project, prior to its deletion.

m.deleteProject(projectId, function (projectData, err) {

Ticket API

Ticket Objects

For addTicket and updateTicket:
These methods accept a Ticket JSON object with the following properties:

identifier: The Morale UI Identifier for the ticket to update. Used only in updateTicket.
title: Title to give the project. Required for addTicket.
type: Ticket type; can be 'Task' or 'Bug'.
description: The ticket's subtext / description.
due_date: The date that the ticket is due for completion. Must be a string formatted as a specific date ('2/28/2012', 'June 5') or a relative date ('today', 'tomorrow', 'monday', 'next month').
assigned_to: Person that the ticket is assigned to. Must be a string matching the first name, last name, or email address of a user associated with your project.
priority: Numerical value of the priority of the ticket.

  identifier: 5,
  title: "Paint Fence",
  description: "Put two coats of white paint on the fence",
  assign_to: "Tom",
  due_date: "tomorrow",
  priority: 2,

Ticket Methods

Note: Ticket API calls are driven by the Ticket's identifier. This is not to be confused with the Ticket's id, which is also present in the Ticket JSON Object. The identifier is the same number visible within the Morale web site.

getTickets returns all tickets associated with a specific project within your Morale subdomain.
Input: projectId - the project to retrieve tickets for from Morale.
Output: ticketDataArray - an array of ticket JSON objects. Each array item will contain an object with a single task or bug property, depending on the ticket type, containing the ticket JSON.

m.getTickets(projectId, function (ticketDataArray, err) {

getTicket returns information on a specific ticket.
Input: projectId - the project that contains the ticket.
Input: ticketIdentifier - the ticket to retrieve from Morale.
Output: ticketData - a single ticket JSON object; the retrieved ticket.

m.getTicket(projectId, ticketIdentifier, function (ticketData, err) {

archiveTicket will archive any ticket with your Morale subdomain.
Input: projectId - the project that contains the ticket.
Input: ticketIdentifier - the ticket to archive within Morale.
Output: ticketData - a single ticket JSON object; the archived ticket.

m.archiveTicket(projectId, ticketIdentifier, function (ticketData, err) {

deleteTicket will delete any ticket with your Morale subdomain.
Input: projectId - the project that contains the ticket.
Input: ticketIdentifier - the ticket to delete from Morale.
Output: ticketData - a single ticket JSON object; the archived ticket.

m.deleteTicket(projectId, ticketIdentifier, function (ticketData, err) {

addTicket creates a new ticket within Morale.
Input: ticket - ticket JSON object containing new ticket information.
Output: ticketData - a single ticket JSON object; the new ticket.

m.addTicket(ticket, function (ticketData, err) {

updateTicket modifies an existing ticket within Morale.
Input: ticket - ticket JSON object containing updated ticket information.
Output: ticketData - a single ticket JSON object; the updated ticket.

m.addTicket(ticket, function (ticketData, err) {



Released under the MIT license.