A code generation toolkit for GraphQL.
MonoQL is library that builds over top The Guild's GraphQL Code Generation tool and libraries.
In addition to type generation, it supports in-memory AST transformations, to allow for features like automatic generation of Relay-style connections or schema simplification.
- GraphQL Codegen Compatibility - MonoQL is designed to work with The Guild's GraphQL Code Generation eco system. This means that you can use any of the available plugins to generate code for your GraphQL server or client.
- Schema normalization - Performs automatic schema normalization to reduce boilerplate and improve developer experience. Normalization of schema includes:
- Automatic implementation of missing interface fields for object types.
- Automatic implementation of missing base definitions for object, interface, enum, union, and input types.
- Automatic flattening of extension types into base types.
- Relay Connection Generation - Automatically generates Relay-style connections within your schema using the
Getting Started
Install the monoql command line tool and library:
npm install -D monoql
Add the following to your package.json
"scripts": {
"monoql": "monoql"
Create a monoql.config.ts
file in the root of your project and call the monoql
function with your desired configuration.
Here's an example configuration:
import { monoql, normalizeSchema, relayConnections, writeSchema, generateResolvers, runCodegen } from "monoql";
// the path to your GraphQL schema files
schema: "./schema/**/*.graphqls",
// perform code generation
pipeline: [
// normalize the schema by flattening extensions, implementing missing interface fields,
// implementing missing base definitions, and so on
// generate Relay-style connections for all object types that have the @connection directive
// save the resulting schema to a file location
outputPath: "./schema.gen.graphqls",
// preset for generating server types and resolvers for Typescript
// where should resolver type definitions go?
resolverTypesOutput: "./src/types/resolvers.gen.ts",
// what approach should we use for scaffolding out resolvers by default?
defaultScaffoldMode: "file",
// where should scaffolded resolvers go?
resolversOutputDir: "./src/resolvers",
// preset for generating client types for Typescript
// where should we save the generated client code?
outputPath: "./src/lib/graphql.gen.ts",
// where should we look for the operations and fragments?
documents: "./src/**/*.graphql",
// should we automatically remove the "Query" and "Mutation" suffixes
// from generated operation types if they exist more than once?
dedupeOperationSuffix: true,
// default type to use for scalars on the client
defaultScalarType: "string",
// use the "import type" syntax for imports
useTypeImports: true,
// perform additional code generation to the result using ts-morph
modifyTsOutput({ sourceFile, ast, documentsAst }) {
sourceFile.addStatements(`console.log("Hello World!");`);
// execute a standard GraphQL Codegen pipeline
// where should we save the generated client code?
outputPath: "./src/lib/api.gen.ts",
// where should we look for the operations?
documents: "./queries/**/*.graphql",
// plugins to use for code generation
plugins: [],
// configuration for the plugins
config: {},
// perform additional code generation to the result using ts-morph
modifyTsOutput(sourceFile) {
sourceFile.addStatements(`console.log("Hello World!");`);