Monocle API's solution for verifying deeply nested properties are set.
Monocle API Props
Uses the Monocle API "props" syntax to determine if an object or array contains the specified properties.
Basic Usage
// Require this library
var MonocleApiProps = require('monocle-api-props');
// Create an instance with an array or object we want to check
var props = new MonocleApiProps(something);
// Check if deeply nested properties exist using Monocle API's path syntax
props.has('someProp.someNestedProp'); // returns true or false if the path exists
: a nested property, e.g.a.b
will be found within the object{ a: { b: 1 } }
: a property within each object in an array, e.g.a@b
will be find `{ a: [ { b: 1 }, { b: 2 } ] }
Advanced Example
// Sample object
var users = {
total: 3,
filters: {
minAge: 20,
maxAge: 40
items: [
name: 'Alice',
age: 27,
primaryPhoto: {
url: 'http://...'
name: 'Jane',
age: 32,
primaryPhoto: {
url: 'http://...'
name: 'Ed',
age: 29,
primaryPhoto: {
url: 'http://...'
// Create an instance with the users data
var props = new MonocleApiProps(users);
// Basic top-level property access
props.has('total'); // returns true because users has a "total" property
props.has('filters'); // returns true because users has a "filters" property
props.has('foo'); // returns false because users does not have a "foo" property
// Nested properties use a "." separator
props.has('filters.minAge'); // returns true because users.filters has a "minAge" property
props.has('filters.maxAge'); // returns true because users.filters has a "maxAge" property
props.has('filters.derp'); // returns false because users.filters does not have a "derp" property
// Reach into arrays using an "@" separator to ensure they all contain the specified property
props.has('items@name'); // returns true because each object in the items array has a "name" property
props.has('items@age'); // returns true because each object in the items array has an "age" property
props.has('items@flerp'); // returns false because at least one object in the items array did not have a "flerp" property
// Mix and match "@" and "." as necessary to drill deeper
props.has('[email protected]'); // returns true because each object in the "items" array has a "primaryPhoto" object with a "url" property.
props.has('[email protected]'); // returns true because each object in the "items" array has a "primaryPhoto" object with a "url" property.
Files and Directory Structure
The following describes the various files in this repo and the directory structure.
Note: Files and directories prefixed by *
are auto-generated and excluded from the
repository via .gitignore
├── Gruntfile.js # grunt task configuration
├── # this file
├── *docs # autogenerated documentation
│ └── *index.html # each JS file in `./lib` has a corresponding HTML file for documentation
├── lib # all code for this library will be placed here
│ └── index.js # main entry point for your npm package
├── *node_modules # all dependencies will be installed here by npm
├── package.json # description of this package for npm, including dependency lists
└── test # unit test configuration, reports, and specs
├── *coverage.html # code coverage report
├── lib # specs go here, preferably with a 1:1 mapping to code in `./lib`
│ └── index_test.js # example spec for `./lib/index.js`
├── mocha.opts # runtime options for mocha
└── test_runner.js # configures mocha environment (e.g. chai, sinon, etc.)
What's Included?
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner to automate common actions. The Tagged NPM Package Seed supports the following built-in grunt tasks:
Runs all unit tests through mocha.
$ grunt test
Runs all unit tests and generates a code coverage report in ./test/coverage.html
$ grunt coverage
Automatically runs mocha tests each time a file changes in ./lib
or ./test
$ grunt watch
Generates documentation for all JS files within ./lib
using docco. Documentation is
written to ./docs
$ grunt docs
Deletes all auto-generated files, including ./docs
and ./test/coverage.html
Mocha, Sinon, Chai, Blanket
The ultimate TDD environment for node. Place your specs in ./test/lib
, and run grunt test
See ./test/lib/index_test.js
for examples.