API router focused on consistency, flexibility, and performance.
Monocle API Router for Connect
Monocle is a an API router that focuses on consistency, flexibility and performance.
Monocle implements various features to encourage consistency across all endpoints.
Monocle requires that each resource path includes a schema defined in JSON Schema format. The schema is shared among all HTTP verbs for the resource, e.g. GET
, etc. Monocle also validates all input and output with the schema, ensuring that the schema remains the source of truth for how data is structured.
Server-Side Symlinks
Monocle supports "Server-Side Symlinks" to easily embed a resource in another resource. The Monocle Framework will automatically resolve these symlinks on the server, resulting in a complete response for clients. By utilizing Server-Side Symlinks, consistency comes for free when the Symlinked resources are updated.
Monocle makes no assumptions about how clients consume the data -- the only assumption it makes is that client needs will change regularly.
Property Filtering
Monocle allows clients to specify how much data to return for any given resource. Property filtering supports top-level properties, nested properties, and plucking properties from arrays. See Monocle API Props for details on how property filtering works.
Monocle allows for performance optimization via caching and property routing.
Monocle provides cache-control headers for basic REST, but also supports nested resource caching when using the Monocle Client. Collection caching is also supported via the use of weak e-tags.
Property Routing
For large resources, Monocle allows you to provide it with various callbacks that map to each of the properties in the resource. When used with Property Filtering, Monocle will automatically call only the required callbacks to fulfill the request.
Quick Start
To get started, make sure you're using Node 8.8.1 or greater, and create a new node project in an empty directory:
$ mkdir my-monocle-server
$ cd my-monocle-server
$ npm init
After filling in the details, install the required dependencies:
$ npm install monocle-api connect body-parser
Create a file named server.js
and add the following code:
const connect = require('connect');
const app = connect();
// Allow parsing of JSON-encoded request body
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
// Create an API Router instance
const MonocleApi = require('monocle-api');
const api = new MonocleApi();
const Resource = MonocleApi.Resource;
// For this simple demo we'll set up a simple in-memory data store for the user resources.
const users = {
1: {
userId: 1,
displayName: 'Alice',
age: 27,
gender: 'female',
2: {
userId: 2,
displayName: 'Fred',
age: 22,
gender: 'male',
// Configure your first API route
// Define the URL pattern for this resource
// Define the schema for this resource. The schema will be shared across the supported HTTP methods for this resource.
name: 'User',
description: 'A user resource',
type: 'object',
properties: {
userId: { type: 'integer', minimum: 1, readOnly: true, sample: 123 },
displayName: { type: 'string', minLength: 1, maxLength: 255 },
age: { type: 'integer', minimum: 18, maximum: 99 },
gender: { type: 'string', enum: ['male', 'female'] },
// Define the HTTP methods that are supported by this url.
// Handle GET requests for this resource
get: (request) => {
let userId = request.getParam('userId'); // extracts userId param from url, automatically casts it to int due to schema definition
let user = users[userId];
if (!user) {
return request.error(404, { message: 'User not found' });
// Resolve promise with the user object and it will be converted to JSON automatically
// Monocle will also validate the return value and return a 500-level error code if the value does not validate.
return new Resource(`/users/${userId}`, user, 60000);
// Handle PUT requests for this resource
put: (request) => {
let userId = request.getParam('userId'); // extracts userId param from url, automatically casts it to int due to schema definition
// Replace entire user object with provided resource, which is automatically JSON-decoded
// Monocle will have rejected this request if the provided resource did not validate with the schema.
user = request.getResource();
// Resolve promise with the updated user object
return new Resource(`/users/${userId}`, user, 60000);
// Add the API middleware to your connect app
// Create web server and listen on port 5150
const http = require('http');
http.createServer(app).listen(5150, function() {
console.log("Monocle API is now listening on port 5150");
You can now start your monocle server by running node server.js
Monocle API supports RESTful API calls:
$ curl -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: private, max-age=60000
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2018 23:27:30 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 144
"$type": "resource",
"$id": "/users/1",
"$expires": 60000,
"userId": 1,
"displayName": "Alice",
"age": 27,
"gender": "female"
$ curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"displayName": "Joe", "age": 42, "gender": "male"}' -i
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: private, max-age=60000
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2018 23:29:48 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 125
"$type": "resource",
"$id": "/users/1",
"$expires": 60000,
"displayName": "Joe",
"age": 42,
"gender": "male"
$ curl -i
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2018 23:37:36 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 145
"code": 2000,
"error": "UNKNOWN",
"message": "User not found",
"properties": [],
"$httpStatus": 404,
"$httpMessage": "NOT FOUND"
Property filtering can be used to restrict how much data is returned.
$ curl -i,age
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: private, max-age=60000
Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2018 23:39:04 GMT
Connection: keep-alive
Content-Length: 107
"$type": "resource",
"$id": "/users/1",
"$expires": 60000,
"displayName": "Alice",
"age": 27
See demo/index.js
for advanced usage.
Files and Directory Structure
The following describes the various files in this repo and the directory structure.
Note: Files and directories prefixed by *
are auto-generated and excluded from the
repository via .gitignore
├── Gruntfile.js # grunt task configuration
├── # this file
├── *docs # autogenerated documentation
│ └── *index.html # each JS file in `./lib` has a corresponding HTML file for documentation
├── lib # all code for this library will be placed here
│ └── index.js # main entry point for the API router
├── *node_modules # all dependencies will be installed here by npm
├── package.json # description of this package for npm, including dependency lists
└── test # unit test configuration, reports, and specs
├── *coverage.html # code coverage report
├── lib # specs go here with a 1:1 mapping to code in `./lib`
│ └── index_test.js # spec for `./lib/index.js`
├── mocha.opts # runtime options for mocha
└── test_runner.js # configures mocha environment (e.g. chai, sinon, etc.)
Grunt is a JavaScript task runner to automate common actions. The API Router project supports the following grunt tasks:
Runs all unit tests through mocha.
$ grunt test
Runs all unit tests and generates a code coverage report in ./test/coverage.html
$ grunt coverage
Automatically runs mocha tests each time a file changes in ./lib
or ./test
$ grunt watch
Generates documentation for all JS files within ./lib
using docco. Documentation is
written to ./docs
$ grunt docs
Deletes all auto-generated files, including ./docs
and ./test/coverage.html
Mocha, Sinon, Chai, Blanket
The ultimate TDD environment for node. Place your specs in ./test/lib
, and run grunt test
See ./test/lib/index_test.js
for examples.