A simple tool to watch some realtime data from a redis source
A simple tool to watch some realtime data from a redis source
collect data
1. for each node, count in current process
eg, you have httpRequestsCount
and wsMessagesReceivedCount
in every node.
2. for each node, set a timer, every 1 second, push all the counts to a temperary redis list
eg, the data format looks like:
"host": "#1",
"port": 9000,
"counts": [1, 2]
3. set a global timer, every 1 second, get all the data from the temperary list, and push them(serialized to a JSON string) to a final list
eg, the data format looks like:
"time": 1462577597380,
"nodes": [
"host": "#1",
"port": 9000,
"counts": [1, 2]
"host": "#1",
"port": 9001,
"counts": [3, 4]
"host": "#2",
"port": 9000,
"counts": [5, 6]
"host": "#2",
"port": 9001,
"counts": [7, 8]
keep the final list's length <= 300 after that, it just keep the data of recent 5 minutes.
the temperary list should be cleared after that.