Node.js library for handling CRUD operations for different mongodb databases.
mongoose-truck 🚚
mongoose-truck is a Node.js package for handling with data transaction between different MongoDb clusters.
- Source connection is the main database which will provide us data basically
- Destination connections are the databases in which we are going to insert the data
- conn1 - source connection
- conn2 - destination connection
- conn3 - destination connection
.loadFrom() object:
model // preferred model name
schema // Schema for the collection - reading the data
query: // Query for searching over the collection
populate: // Relation with other collections - Same with .populate() method
skip: // skipping N values in the collection - same with .skip() method
sort: // sorting - same with .sort() method
select: // selecting keys - same with .select()
concurrent: // concurrent adjusts the pagination fetching constant
limit: // total data will be fetched - same with .limit() method
.emptyTo() object:
model // preferred model name
schema // Schema for the collection to load the data
.start() object:
parse: //if true this will return the datas added into cluster and if false returns empty array
Use the package manager npm to install mongoose-truck.
npm i mongoose-truck
How to use
const MongooseTruck = require("mongoose-truck")
Managing the Connections
const conn1 = await MongooseTruck.connect("database_connection_string"),
conn2 = await MongooseTruck.connect("database_connection_string"),
conn3 = await MongooseTruck.connect("database_connection_string");
Reading from one collection Schema with one configuration.
const parsedData = await MongooseTruck.create(conn1, [conn2, conn3]).loadFrom({
model: 'People',
schema: PeopleSchema,
query: {
name: "John"
populate: {
path: 'stars'
skip: 0,
sort: {
_id: -1
select: "_id name surname age",
concurrent: 20,
limit: 100
model: 'People',
schema: PeopleSchema
parse: true
Reading from array of collections and Schemas with different configurations.
const parsedData = await MongooseTruck.create(conn1, [conn2, conn3]).loadFrom([{
model: 'People',
schema: PeopleSchema,
query: {
name: "John"
skip: 0,
sort: {
_id: -1
concurrent: 5,
limit: 10
model: 'People',
schema: PeopleSchema,
query: {
name: "Adam"
populate: {
path: 'stars'
skip: 1,
sort: {
_id: -1
select: "_id name surname age",
concurrent: 3,
limit: 20
model: 'PersonsTests',
schema: Person
parse: true
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.