Data migration framework for node.js using mongoose
Mongodb data migration tool using node.js and mongoose. Heavily inspired by madhums/mongoose-migrate.
At a high level, here's how you use it:
- run 'mongoose-data-migrate create my-migration1' to create your migration files. The files are created in the migrations folder in the root of your project.
- implement the up and down methods in each migration file.
- running 'mongoose-data-migrate up' will run all migration files that are in the migrations folder that have not yet been run.
- running 'mongoose-data-migrate down' will execute the down method on all migration to the point that the previous 'migrate up' was run.
$ npm install -g mongoose-data-migrate
Usage: mongoose-data-migrate [up|down|create]
up run all new migrations since the previous run
down migrate down to the point of the previous migrate up
create [title] create a new migration file with optional [title]
Config file
mongoose-data-migrate will store the current state of migrations in a collection in mongodb. Therefore, a config file is required in order to provide the connection details to the mongodb instance.
Place the config file in the root of your project as ./config/migrations.js
The config file format is:
module.exports = {
// The location of the the mongoose module. Since mongoose-data-migrate
// needs to make a connection to mongodb, if you point to it here you'll
// be able to use the same connection in your migration files rather than
// creating your own connection.
mongoose: '../node_modules/mongoose',
// mongodb connection string in mongoose format: 'mongodb://username:password@host:port/database?options...'
// See:
db: 'mongodb://localhost:27017',
// Name for the migrations collection (defaults to 'migrations')
collection: 'migrations'
Mongoose Compatability
So far mongoose-data-migrate has only been tested with Mongoose 3.8.x.
In order to run the test specs you need to have:
- an instance of mongodb running at
. - a db named 'mongoose_data_migrate_test' without any credentials
To run the tests:
npm test