Perform imagemagick transformations on image files
A mongoose-crate FileProcessor that applies image transformations with ImageMagick.
A modern version of ImageMagick installed and available on the path. You may also need GhostScript, I did on one computer but not on another. YMMV.
You can pass images through one or more ImageMagick filters:
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
const crate = require('mongoose-crate')
const LocalFS = require('mongoose-crate-localfs')
const ImageMagick = require('mongoose-crate-imagemagick')
const PostSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
title: String,
description: String
PostSchema.plugin(crate, {
storage: new LocalFS({
directory: '/path/to/storage/directory'
fields: {
image: {
processor: new ImageMagick({
tmpDir: '/tmp', // Where transformed files are placed before storage, defaults to os.tmpdir()
formats: ['JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG'], // Supported formats, defaults to ['JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'TIFF']
transforms: {
original: {
// keep the original file
small: {
resize: '150x150',
format: '.jpg'
medium: {
resize: '250x250',
format: '.jpg'
const Post = mongoose.model('Post', PostSchema)
.. then later:
const post = new Post()
post.attach('image', {path: '/path/to/image'}, (error) => {
// image is now attached and post.image is populated e.g.:
// post.image.small.url
// post.image.medium.url
Meta data
extends the basic meta data added by mongoose-crate
to add some image specific fields. It provides the following for each transformation:
width: 120,
height: 103,
depth: 8,
format: 'PNG',
name: 'dragon.png',
size: 26887,
url: ''
ImageMagick transformations
Transformations are achieved by invoking the convert command from ImageMagick and passing all the properties of the transform as arguments.
Example in convert command:
convert source.png -crop 120x120 -blur 5x10 output.png
Example in plugin options:
PostSchema.plugin(crate, {
fields: {
image: {
processor: new ImageMagick({
transforms: {
small: {
crop: '120x120',
blur: '5x10'
For more information on available transforms, see the ImageMagick website.
Changing the destination format
You can change the destination format by using the special transform property format
with a known file extension like png, jpg, gif, etc:
PostSchema.plugin(crate, {
fields: {
image: {
processor: new ImageMagick({
transforms: {
as_jpeg: {
format: 'jpg'
Supported formats
By default we'll only try to process a few common image types. The supported list defaults to jpgs, pngs, gifs and tiffs.
This list can be overridden by specifying the formats
PostSchema.plugin(crate, {
fields: {
image: {
processor: new ImageMagick({
formats: ['JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG']
The values should match up with convert
's supported formats. To see a list of all formats supported by your ImageMagick install, run:
convert -list format