The AggregationBuilder package provides a fluent interface for building complex aggregation pipelines for MongoDB queries.
is a utility class that simplifies the creation of MongoDB aggregation pipelines by providing a fluent interface for building complex aggregation stages.
- You can install the AggregationBuilder package using npm:
npm install aggregation-builder
Match - The
stage filters documents based on specified conditions.Group - The
stage groups documents by a specified _id expression and allows you to perform aggregations on grouped data.Sort - The
stage sorts documents in the pipeline based on specified criteria.Project - The
stage reshapes documents, including including or excluding fields.Unwind - The
stage deconstructs an array field from input documents, creating one document per array element.Lookup - The
stage performs a left outer join with another collection, combining documents based on specified conditions.Sample - The
stage randomly selects a specified number of documents from the pipeline.Facet - The
stage allows you to run multiple pipelines within a single aggregation operation.Limit - The
stage restricts the number of documents in the pipeline.Count - The
stage returns the count of documents in the pipeline.Skip - The
stage skips a specified number of documents from the pipeline.Filter - The
stage filters an array field in a document, returning only the elements that match the specified condition.Unset - The
stage removes specified fields from documents in the pipeline.AddFields - The
stage adds new fields to documents in the pipeline.
Building the Pipeline
The aggregation pipeline is built using a fluent interface. Each stage is added to the pipeline using methods like .match(), .group(), .sort(), etc. You can chain these methods to construct a comprehensive aggregation pipeline. Finally, the .build() method returns the complete aggregation pipeline.
- For detailed information on MongoDB aggregation stages, consult the MongoDB Aggregation Pipeline documentation.
const { AggregationBuilder } = require('./AggregationBuilder');
// Create an instance of AggregationBuilder
const aggregationBuilder = new AggregationBuilder();
// Build the aggregation pipeline using various stages
const pipeline = aggregationBuilder
.match({ age: { $gte: 18 } })
_id: '$department',
averageSalary: { $avg: '$salary' }
.sort({ age: 1 })
.project({ fullName: { $concat: ['$firstName', ' ', '$lastName'] } })
.lookup('departments', 'departmentId', '_id', 'departmentInfo')
['customerId', 'productId'],
['_id', 'productId'],
ageStats: [{ $group: { _id: null, avgAge: { $avg: '$age' } } }],
departmentStats: [{ $group: { _id: '$department', count: { $sum: 1 } } }]
input: '$items',
as: 'item',
cond: { $gte: ['$$item.price', 100] }
.unset(['temporaryField', 'obsoleteField'])
.addFields({ isNewEmployee: { $cond: { if: { $gte: ['$hireDate', new Date('2023-01-01')] }, then: true, else: false } } })
// Execute the aggregation pipeline
The AggregationBuilder class simplifies the creation of complex MongoDB aggregation pipelines by providing a fluent and intuitive interface for building various aggregation stages.
Feel free to adjust the content of the `` file as needed. This provides a comprehensive guide to using each stage of the `AggregationBuilder` class along with relevant examples.
Package Information
- Package Name: mongodb-aggregation-helpers
- Author Name: gautamtheprogrammer
- GitHub URL: