Restful, filter based, queryable middleware for express
Restful, free text and filter based, API and backend using MongoDB
The MongoQueryEngine (MQE) is library you can use to add middleware to your express application. The MQE provides a query layer for items stored in MongoDB. The Rest interface provides both filter based expressions as well as free text search. The interface also provides pagination. Finally there is a small helper jQuery library that can be loaded to use with your fontend. The library helps with query creation and parsing as well as app routing. Finally, the MQE adds SEO support.
Starting MQE Application
To add the MQE middleware to your app simply add app the following to your express app.
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var http = require('http');
var mqeLib = require('MongoQueryEngine');
config: require('/path/to/config.js'), // see below
app: app,
express: express,
}, function(){
* Setup contains express, app, database, collection and mqe
var setup = mqeLib.getSetup();
var server = http.createServer(app);
var server.listen(3000);
The MQE uses an config.js file to specify various options for the MQE application. Theres parameters include, database configuration and express configuration.
Here is on overview:
db : { // config for MongoDB
// connection string for the database
url : "mongodb://localhost:27017/wcga",
// collection where the queryable items are stored
mainCollection : "myDataCollection",
// primary filters. these filters will have indexes created for theme as well as have remaining
// counts show in queries. These attributes are probably your 'suggestions' for further filtering.
indexedFilters : ['keywords','organization','anotherAttribute'],
// currently MQE only allows one sort option, place the attribute you wish to sort on here
sortBy : 'title',
// attributes that will be used in the text search. Mongo only allows for one text index. This list of
// attributes will be combined into that index and ensured on start.
textIndexes : ['title','description','organization','anotherAttribute'],
// attributes that should not be returned in the response objects
blacklist : ['_id', 'md5','secret'],
// mark this flag if you mainCollection is the result of a MapReduce opperation. MQE will handle the marshalling
// of the 'value' namespace.
isMapReduce : true
server : {
// server host url
host : "localhost",
// port outside world goes to. most likely 80
remoteport : 80,
// local port on machine
localport : 3003
logging = {
dir : "/var/log/myapp",
// max log size
maxsize : 10485760
Post Process Responses
You post process the 'get' and 'query' responses by adding additional config to mqeLib.init(). Example:
config: config,
app: app,
express: express,
process : {
get : function(params, item, callback) {
// do stuff here
query : function(params, items, callback) {
// do stuff here
As you see in the example above, each process function will be handed the query parameters from the request, the item or items in the response and a callback for when you are finished.