Special transforms to handle type casting in mongo aggregate pipes.
DEPRECATED NOTE: Use the mongo-stringto module in place of this module. There are some minor breakage changes but the naming and documentation are better and development of this module will go no further.
Special transforms to handle type casting in mongo aggregate pipes.
The transform module is utilized on the server where aggregate pipe requests can be processed through a tranform promise prior to executing the aggregate method.
Use case
When passing aggregate pipe requests over an API, i.e. a REST interface, the type of some values may be lost. Date objects and ObjectID objects may become strings during the request transmission process.
Pipes that are passed to aggregate method with string values in place of objects will not be cast into the object types and the results may not be as expected.
By specifying special operators on values in a pipe and running the passed pipes through the transform process the object instances can be restored to the proper types for the aggregate request.
Transform Operators
The value in a pipe where a transform is needed should be replaced with an object representation containing the transform operator and value to be transformed. I.E. An example of an aggregate $match pipe passed through a rest API where a timestamp string needs to be transformed may look like the following...
$match: {
Created: { $stringToDate: "2010-01-22T18:34:52.352Z" }
On the server where the request is received the pipe would need to run through the transform process before executing the aggregate method. The results of the transform process on the previous example would produce the following result...
$match: {
Created: new Date("2010-01-22T18:34:52.352Z")
When passing a date or timestamp string that needs to be converted to a Date object on the server for an aggregate process the $stringToDate operator should be used.
Object IDs are commonly passed as a hex string. By using the $stringToObjectId operator a string value can be passed to the server and then transformed into a mongo ObjectID instance.
Transforms should be processed on the server where the request is received prior to passing an aggregate pipe to the mongo aggregate method.
const transform = require('mongo-aggregate-transform');
// method to run aggregate pipes on the provided mongoose model for a mongodb collection
function runAggregate(model, pipes) {
// transform the pipes
.then(transformedPipes => {
// use the transformed pipes in an aggregate request
model.aggregate(pipes).exec((error, result) => {
if (error) {
throw error;
console.log('Results: ', result);
.catch(err => {
console.log('Error: ', err.stack);