MongoDb factory to translate API Queries to MongoDb
MongoDb factory to translate API Queries to MongoDb
Monfact is an npm package to handle all mongodb queries on top of mongoose ORM In roder to generalize the targets.
- Easy to use.
- Standard Error response.
- Has most required operations on mongodb (CRUd, with a graphQl filter query).
- You can append it to the mongoose model itself in order to be used as static methods or use the factory to custom queries.
- Makes the code pretty clean, scalable and maintainble.
- Injected to the mongoose Model interface so the intellisense will recognise it.
npm i monfact
For injected version:
export interface IMonFact {
getOne(params: IObject<any>, select: string): Promise<any>;
getAll(queryObj: IQuery): Promise<any>;
deleteOne(params: IObject<any>, next: NextFunction): Promise<any>;
params: IObject<any>,
update: IObject<any>,
next: NextFunction
): Promise<any>;
params: IObject<any>,
update: IObject<any>,
next: NextFunction
): Promise<any>;
createOne(doc: IObject<any>, next: NextFunction): Promise<any>;
count(queryObj: IQuery): Promise<any>;
getOneRes(): void;
getAllRes(): void;
deleteOneRes(): void;
updateOneRes(): void;
createOneRes(): void;
getOnePopulatedRes(): void;
countRes(): void;
**when using the factory or ResFactory version you must pass the mongoose model as the first paramater.
ResMethods usees (req.body, req.params, req.query);
- getOneRes: uses req.params to filter
- getAllRes: uses req.query to filter
- deleteOneRes: uses req.params to filter
- updateOneRes: uses req.params to filter and req.body to update
- createOneRes: uses req.body to create
- getOnePopulatedRes: uses req.params to filter but make sure that there is a filed "popFields" to be populated
- countRes: uses req.query to filter
"page": 1, // optional default 1
"limit": 10, // optional default 10
"skip": 20, // optional default 0
"sort": "name"| "-name"| "-name,age", // optional default '-createdAt'
"fields": "name"| "name,_id", // optional default all fields
"popFields": "products,favourites.meals", // optional default null
'exclude': "excludeId", // optional default null
//other fields on the object
"age":{gt:15, lt:20},
"list":{push:"item1", pull:"item2"} // remove item2 and add item1
// there is two ways to use monfact
// first is to inject it to the mongoose model and use injected methods.
// in category.model.js
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Schema = mongoose.Schema;
const { monfact } = require("monfact");
const CategorySchema = new Schema({
name: { type: String, required: true },
icon: { type: String, required: true },
description: { type: String, required: true },
const CategoryModel = mongoose.model("Categories", CategorySchema);
// inject monfact to CategoryModel
// export CategoryModel
module.exports = CategoryModel;
// in category.controller.js
// you can use it inside a function like this
exports.getAllCategories = async (req, res, next) => {
const categories = await CategoryModel.monfact.getAll({ name: "souly" });
res.json({ status: "success", data: categories });
// or use the res version which uses the req.body & req.params & req.query
exports.getAllCategories = CategoryModel.monfact.getAllRes();
// then pass this function to the router
router.get("/", getAllCategories);
// the second method is to use the factory to build queries
// with res version
const { resFactory } = require("monfact");
exports.getAllCategories = resFactory.getAllRes(CategoryModel);
// plain version
exports.getAllCategories = async (req, res, next) => {
const categories = await factory.getAll(CategoryModel, { name: "souly" });
res.json({ status: "success", data: categories });
The response is in standard format (status, message, errCode)
"status": "error",
"errCode": "err-code",
"message": "error - message"
"status": "success",
"data": [] | {} | null
Feel free to fork it!