CRUD component for Monad CMS
Easy support for CRUD-style operations for the Monad CMS
$ npm i monad-crud
Define routes and components for all pages of your admin that need CRUD
support. This example uses foo
"use strict";
import list from '/path/to/list.html';
import schema from '/path/to/schema.html';
angular.module('my-admin', [])
.config(['$routeProvider', $routeProvider => {
$routeProvider.when('/foo/', {
template: '<foo-list resource="$resolve.resource" count="$resolve.count"></foo-list>',
resolve: {
resource: ['monadResource', monadResource => monadResource('/api/foo/')],
count: ['$http', $http => $http.get('/api/foo/count/').then(result =>]
$routeProvider.when('/foo/:id/', {
template: '<foo-detail data="$" clients="$resolve.clients"></foo-detail>',
resolve: {
data: ['monadResource', '$route', (monadResource, $route) => {
const res = monadResource('/api/foo/:id/', {id: '@id'});
if ($ == 'create') {
return {item: res};
} else {
return {item: res.get({id: $})};
.component('fooList', {
template: list,
bindings: {resource: '<', count: '<'},
controller: 'monadListCtrl'
.component('fooDetail', {
template: schema,
bindings: {data: '<'}
Anything in $
will be watched by monad-crud
to determine whether
or not to show the "save" button (it is hidden when the form is pristine).
The HTML for the list will typically look something like this:
<div class="container-fluid">
<monad-list-header create="'/admin/foo/create/'">Invoice</monad-list-header>
<monad-list-table rows="$ctrl.items" update="'/admin/foo/:id/'">
These should specify the fields you want shown in the list
(typically, not everything is relevant for an overview).
The `property` attribute specifies the property on the JSON
objects in the list. `row` is the placeholder for the current
item in the list.
<th property="">ID</th>
<th property="row.subject">Subject</th>
<div class="text-center" ng-if="$ctrl.count > 10">
<ul uib-pagination total-items="$ctrl.count" ng-model="$" boundary-links="true" max-size="10"></ul>
The HTML for the "schema" should contain form fields for everything you want to
show or be editable. By convention, we use $
as the main thing
being edited, but really the name is irrelevant as long as it's placed on
Wrap the fields in the monadUpdate
<monad-update list="/admin/foo/" data="$" type="foo">
<!-- your form fields -->
...and that's basically it!