Monaca cloud and localkit API bindings for JavaScript
Monaca Cloud API
This is a library used to communicate with the Monaca Cloud REST API.
Git Submodule
This library uses git submodules. Please following command.
$ git submodule update
or initially
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
From version 2.5.0, clientType: 'lib'
needs to be specified when monaca-lib
is initialized for standalone use.
var Monaca = require('monaca-lib').Monaca;
var monaca = new Monaca({clientType: 'lib'});
Example usage
var Monaca = require('monaca-lib').Monaca;
var monaca = new Monaca({clientType: 'lib'});
monaca.login('[email protected]', 'password').then(
function() {
console.log('Succesfully logged in!');
monaca.cloneProject('PROJECT_ID', '/destination/directory').then(
function() {
console.log('Successfully clone project!');
function(error) {
console.log('Clone failed: ' + error);
function(progress) {
console.log('Downloading ' + progress.path);
function(error) {
console.log('Login failed: ' + error);
There is also a Localkit
class that is used to connect a local development environment to the Monaca Debugger.
var monacaLib = require('monaca-lib'),
Monaca = monacaLib.Monaca,
Localkit = monacaLib.Localkit;
var monaca = new Monaca({clientType: 'lib'});
var localkit = new Localkit(monaca, '/path/to/project');
function() {
function() {
console.log('Localkit will now wait for connections from the Monaca debugger.');
Running tests
To run the tests use the following command:
$ export [email protected]
$ export MONACA_TEST_PASSWORD=password
$ npm test
Building the documentation
The documentation is built using JSDoc. Use the following command in the root directory to build the documentation:
$ jsdoc src
The generated documentation can be found in out/index.html
GitHub Actions
- submodules are recursively installed by adding the submodules: 'recursive' option.
When merged/pushed to master branch
- Get version from package.json
- If version does not exist in GitHub tags
- Tag it
- Run npm publish
When tagged as -beta.*
- Run npm publish --beta