Mixin for Node-nextjs
It's time to have SSR on Moleculer!
Step 0 : your www folder
At the root of your project, create a www
Inside of this folder, you will create new folders for your NextJs websites!
Step 1 : Command line
moleculer-nextjs depends on next, so you have to install it too!
Note: install the same version of the addon. I'll update the next line for every updates!
$ npm install [email protected] moleculer-nextjs --save
Step 2 : Package
Inside of your package.json, you should add this line inside of the scripts
"build-nextjs": "node ./node_modules/moleculer-nextjs/src/nextjs-builder --web ./www",
Then, edit your start
script by adding npm run build-nextjs &&
before firing the command that start your server.
Step 3 : Babel!
Make sure to have a .babelrc.js
file at the root of your NextJs project folder.
Here a sample one:
// .babelrc.js
const babel = {
presets: [
module.exports = babel;
You can edit your own settings later :)
Step 4 : environment
Make sure to have a env-config.js
file at the root of your NextJs project folder.
Like this :
// env-config.js
const prod = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production'
module.exports = {
'process.env.NODE_ENV': process.env.NODE_ENV,
I've not finished it yet but it worked. See the usage, i'll make a small documentation in few days!
If you want to see an example, I made a socket-io + nextjs + moleculer repo here :
This addons will assume that you give paths based on the root of your project. The common folder is a sharabled components folder that will be copied inside of your project. This way, to can have a folder that can share a lot of components to every single projects you want.
const NextJS = require("moleculer-nextjs");
module.exports = {
name: "www-fo",
mixins: [ NextJS ],
settings: {
name: "FrontOffice",
dev: process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production',
port: 4000,
conf: {
webpack: (config, { buildId, dev, isServer, defaultLoaders }) => {
return config;
dir: "www/fo",
// It's a common folder inside of your www folder that's contain every React components you want to share between every services that refer it
common_folder: "www/common"
// Better route declaration !
routes: {
"/blog/:slug": function(req, res) {
const actualPage = '/blog';
const queryParams = { slug: req.params.slug }, res, actualPage, queryParams);
"/notFound": function(req, res) {
res.send('Hello World!');
methods: {
onPrepare(server, app) {
console.log("Here I can redirect to new url like the example in the documentation");
server.get('/p/:id', (req, res) => {
const actualPage = '/post'
const queryParams = { id: }
app.render(req, res, actualPage, queryParams)