Translates Markdown to Html
Service mixin to transform markdown to html,
Uses Showdown as markdown processor.
'use strict';
let { ServiceBroker } = require('moleculer');
let MarkdownService = require('./../src/index');
// Create broker
let broker = new ServiceBroker({
logger: console,
logLevel: 'debug'
// Load markdown Service
name: 'markdown',
mixins: [MarkdownService],
settings: {}
// Start server
broker.start().then(() => {
// Call action
.call('markdown.transform', { md: '# Hello, Markdown' })
.then(html => console.log('HTML is ', html));
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| -------------------------------------- | --------- | ------------ | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| omitExtraWLInCodeBlocks
| Boolean
| required | Omit the trailing newline in a code block. |
| noHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Disable the automatic generation of header ids |
| customizedHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Use text in curly braces as header id |
| ghCompatibleHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Generate header ids compatible with github style |
| prefixHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Add a prefix to the generated header ids |
| rawPrefixHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Setting this option to true will prevent showdown from modifying the prefix |
| rawHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | Remove only spaces, ' and " from generated header ids (including prefixes), replacing them with dashes (-) |
| parseImgDimensions
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for setting image dimensions from within markdown syntax |
| headerLevelStart
| Integer
| required | Set the header starting level |
| simplifiedAutoLink
| Boolean
| required | Turning this option on will enable automatic linking to urls |
| excludeTrailingPunctuationFromURLs
| Boolean
| required | This option excludes trailing punctuation from autolinking urls |
| literalMidWordUnderscores
| Boolean
| required | Turning this on will stop showdown from interpreting underscores in the middle of words |
| strikethrough
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for strikethrough syntax |
| tables
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for tables syntax |
| tablesHeaderId
| Boolean
| required | If enabled adds an id property to table headers tags |
| ghCodeBlocks
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for GFM code block style |
| tasklists
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for GFM tasklists |
| smartIndentationFix
| Boolean
| required | Tries to smartly fix indentation problems related to es6 template strings in the midst of indented code |
| disableForced4SpacesIndentedSublists
| Boolean
| required | Disables the requirement of indenting sublists by 4 spaces for them to be nested, effectively reverting to the old behavior where 2 or 3 spaces were enough |
| simpleLineBreaks
| Boolean
| required | Parses line breaks as like GitHub does, without needing 2 spaces at the end of the line |
| requireSpaceBeforeHeadingText
| Boolean
| required | Makes adding a space between # and the header text mandatory |
| ghMentions
| Boolean
| required | Enables github @mentions, which link to the username mentioned |
| ghMentionsLink
| String
| required | Changes the link generated by @mentions. Showdown will replace {u} with the username |
| encodeEmails
| Boolean
| required | Enable e-mail addresses encoding through the use of Character Entities, transforming ASCII e-mail addresses into its equivalent decimal entities |
| openLinksInNewWindow
| Boolean
| required | Open all links in new windows |
| backslashEscapesHTMLTags
| Boolean
| required | Support for HTML Tag escaping |
| emoji
| Boolean
| required | Enable emoji support |
| underline
| Boolean
| required | EXPERIMENTAL: Enable support for underline, no longer rendered to and |
| completeHTMLDocument
| Boolean
| required | Outputs a complete html document, including , and tags' instead of an HTML fragment |
| metadata
| Boolean
| required | Enable support for document metadata |
| splitAdjacentBlockquotes
| Boolean
| required | Split adjacent blockquote blocks |
| flavor
| String
| required | Set the flavor for markdown. Options are: original, github, vanilla |
Transforms markdown into html
| Property | Type | Default | Description |
| -------- | -------- | ------- | ------------ |
| md
| String
| - | The markdown |
Type: String