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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




mohair is a simple and flexible sql builder with a fluent interface





NPM version Build Status Dependencies

mohair is a simple and flexible sql builder with a fluent interface.

mesa builds on top of mohair and adds methods to execute queries, to declare and include associations (hasOne, belongsTo, hasMany, hasAndBelongsToMany) and more: go check it out.


get started

npm install mohair


put this line in the dependencies section of your package.json:

"mohair": "0.12.0"

then run:

npm install


mohair has a fluent interface where every method returns a new object. no method ever changes the state of the object it is called on. this enables a functional programming style:

var visibleUsers = mohair.table('user').where({is_visible: true});

var updateUser = visibleUsers.update({name: 'bob'}).where({id: 3});
updateUser.sql();       // => 'UPDATE user SET name = ? WHERE (is_visible = ?) AND (id = ?)'
updateUser.params();    // => ['bob', true, 3]

var deleteUser = visibleUsers.where({name: 'alice'}).delete();
deleteUser.sql();       // => 'DELETE FROM user WHERE (is_visible = ?) AND (name = ?)'
deleteUser.params();    // => [true, 'alice']
var mohair = require('mohair');
specify the table to use
var userTable = mohair.table('user');
insert a record
var query = userTable.insert({name: 'alice', email: '[email protected]'});

query.sql();        // => 'INSERT INTO user(name, email) VALUES (?, ?)'
query.params();     // => ['alice', '[email protected]']
insert with some raw sql
var query = userTable.insert({name: 'alice', created_at: mohair.raw('NOW()')});

query.sql();        // => 'INSERT INTO user(name, created_at) VALUES (?, NOW())'
query.params();     // => ['alice']
insert multiple records
var query = userTable.insertMany([{name: 'alice'}, {name: 'bob'}]);

query.sql();        // => 'INSERT INTO user(name) VALUES (?), (?)'
query.params();     // => ['alice', 'bob']

all records in the argument array must have the same properties.

var query = userTable.where({id: 3}).delete();

query.sql();        // => 'DELETE FROM user WHERE id = ?'
query.params();     // => [3]

where can take any valid criterion.

var query = userTable.where({name: 'alice'}).update({name: 'bob'});

query.sql();        // => 'UPDATE user SET name = ? WHERE name = ?'
query.params();     // => ['bob', 'alice']
update with some raw sql
var query = userTable.where({name: 'alice'}).update({age: mohair.raw('LOG(age, ?)', 4)});

query.sql();        // => 'UPDATE user SET age = LOG(age, ?) WHERE name = ?'
query.params();     // => [4, 'alice']

where can take any valid criterion.

var query =;

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user'
query.params();     // => []

you can omit select() if you want to select *. select is the default action.

var query ='name, timestamp AS created_at');

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT name, timestamp AS created_at FROM user'
query.params();     // => []
var query ='name', 'timestamp AS created_at');

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT name, timestamp AS created_at FROM user'
query.params();     // => []
var query ='name', {created_at: 'timestamp'});

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT name, timestamp AS created_at FROM user'
query.params();     // => []
var fragment = mohair.raw('SUM(total_sales/?)', 10);
var query = mohair
    .select('region', {summed_sales: fragment});

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT region, (SUM(total_sales/?)) AS summed_sales FROM regional_sales'
query.params();     // => [10]
select with subquery
var subquery = mohair
    .where('user_id =')
var query ='name', {order_count: subquery});

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT name, (SELECT count(1) FROM order WHERE user_id = AS order_count FROM user'
query.params();     // => []
select without a table
var query ='now()')

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT now()'
query.params();     // => []
select with criteria
var query = userTable.where({id: 3}).where('name = ?', 'alice').select();

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user WHERE (id = ?) AND (name = ?)'
query.params();     // => [3, 'alice']

where can take any valid criterion. multiple calls to where are anded together.

var query = userTable.order('created DESC, name ASC').select();

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user ORDER BY created DESC, name ASC'
query.params();     // => []
limit and offset
var query = userTable.limit(20).offset(10).select();

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user LIMIT ? OFFSET ?'
query.params();     // => [20, 10]
var query = userTable.join('JOIN project ON = project.user_id');

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user JOIN project ON = project.user_id'
query.params();     // => []
join with criteria
var query = userTable.join('JOIN project ON = project.user_id', {'project.column': {$null: true}});

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT * FROM user JOIN project ON = project.user_id AND (project.column IS NULL)'
query.params();     // => []
var query = userTable
    .select('user.*, count( AS project_count')
    .join('JOIN project ON = project.user_id')

query.sql();        // => 'SELECT user.*, count( AS project_count FROM user JOIN project ON = project.user_id GROUP BY'
query.params();     // => []
var paginate = function(page, perPage) {
    return this
        .offset(page * perPage);

var query = mohair.table('posts')
    .mixin(paginate, 10, 100)
    .where(is_public: true);

query.sql();       // => 'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE is_public = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?'
query.params();    // => [true, 100, 1000]
var posts = mohair.table('posts');

posts.paginate = function(page, perPage) {
    return this
        .offset(page * perPage);

var query = mohair.table('posts')
    .where(is_public: true)
    .paginate(10, 100);

query.sql();       // => 'SELECT * FROM posts WHERE is_public = ? LIMIT ? OFFSET ?'
query.params();    // => [true, 100, 1000]
common table expressions

see the postgres documentation

var regionalSales = mohair
    .select('region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales')

var topRegions = mohair
    .where('total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales/10 FROM regional_sales))');

var query = mohair
        regional_sales: regionalSales
        top_regions: topRegions
        SUM(quantity) AS product_units,
        SUM(amount) AS product_sales
    .where('region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions)')
    .group('region, product');


regional_sales AS (
    SELECT region, SUM(amount) AS total_sales
    FROM orders
    GROUP BY region
 ), top_regions AS (
    SELECT region
    FROM regional_sales
    WHERE total_sales > (SELECT SUM(total_sales)/10 FROM regional_sales)
    SUM(quantity) AS product_units,
    SUM(amount) AS product_sales
FROM orders
WHERE region IN (SELECT region FROM top_regions)
GROUP BY region, product;



  • now uses [email protected]: criterion changelog applies to mohair as well click here to see it
  • .from() supports selecting from multiple tables, selecting from subqueries and has syntax for aliases
  • .sql()
  • mohair now conforms to sql-fragment interface
  • escapes more things that are escapable: aliases, names for common table expressions, ...
  • .mixin renamed to .call

license: MIT


  • test offset and limit with raw

  • fix union

  • update from

  • support raw everywhere

  • fix js conversion

  • better order

  • table can be an alias expression

  • test things in isolation

  • .with should also have an effect for insert, update, delete

  • test update from

  • criterion.wrapped()

  • better .using

    • needs at least one table
    • a seperate from object which is used to construct this
    • support multiple tables in .table
    • support alias syntax {foo: 'table'} in .table
    • support subqueries in .table
    • there must be at least one from item
  • test better tables

  • better testing of escaping

    • test escaping for each and every query as in criterion !!!!
      • q.escape(...)
  • test that all parts of the queries get escaped

    • select DONE
    • insert
      • returning
    • update
      • returning
    • delete DONE
      • returning
  • test returning

    • for update
    • for delete
  • support more select syntax

  • better joins

    • think about it !!! ...
    • for lateral need to support subqueries
    • similar to combination (union, ...)
    • .join('LEFT JOIN LATERAL', subquery, 'ON', condition)
  • support row locks

  • join helper for select

  • better errors

    • check error message in tests for error conditions
    • test for every possible error condition
    • throw correct errors (TypeError for example)
  • make updateFrom work

  • support insert with subquery

    • mohair.insert(['a', 'b', 'c'], mohair.table('user').select('id'))

    • functional, immutable
  • better documentation

  • better description

  • better keywords

  • use lodash and replace helpers