Modern Amazon S3 client for high-level operations
High Level Amazon S3 Client
npm install modern-s3
Inspired by the now abandoned s3
- Relies on the modern versions of AWS client SDK for retries. Does not implement its own retry logic
- Includes logic to make multiple requests when there is a 1000 object limit.
- Ability to set a limit on the maximum parallelization of S3 requests.
- Ability to sync a dir to and from S3.
- Promise based API with additional reporting if passed an event emitter
- Supports files of any size (up to S3's maximum 5 TB object size limit).
- Relies on the AWS SDK's own intelligent upload method to do multipart uploads.
- Automatically provide Content-Type for uploads based on file extension.
Create a client
import AWS from 'aws-sdk'
import * as s3 from 'modern-s3'
const awsClient = new AWS.S3({
accessKeyId: "your s3 key",
secretAccessKey: "your s3 secret",
region: "your region",
// See:
var client = s3.createClient({
maxAsyncS3: 20, // this is the default
multipartUploadThreshold: 20971520, // this is the default (20 MB)
multipartUploadSize: 15728640, // this is the default (15 MB)
s3Client: awsClient
API Documentation
Creates an S3 client.
- an instance ofAWS.S3
- maximum number of simultaneous requests this client will ever have open to S3. defaults to20
- if a file is this many bytes or greater, it will be uploaded via a multipart request. Default is 20MB. Minimum is 5MB. Maximum is 5GB.multipartUploadSize
- when uploading via multipart, this is the part size. The minimum size is 5MB. The maximum size is 5GB. Default is 15MB. Note that S3 has a maximum of 10000 parts for a multipart upload, so if this value is too small, it will be ignored in favor of the minimum necessary value required to upload the file.
s3.getPublicUrl(bucket, key, [bucketLocation])
S3 bucketkey
S3 keybucketLocation
string, one of these:- "" (default) - US Standard
- "eu-west-1"
- "us-west-1"
- "us-west-2"
- "ap-southeast-1"
- "ap-southeast-2"
- "ap-northeast-1"
- "sa-east-1"
You can find out your bucket location programatically by using this API:
returns a string which looks like this:
or maybe this if you are not in US Standard:
s3.getPublicUrlHttp(bucket, key)
S3 Bucketkey
S3 Key
Works for any region, and returns a string which looks like this:
client.deleteObjects(s3Params, ee?: EventEmitter)
are the same.
The difference between using AWS SDK deleteObjects
and this one:
- Make multiple requests if the number of objects you want to delete is greater than 1000.
If passed an EventEmitter
it emits the following events:
- emitted with object{ progressAmount: number, progressTotal: number }
.'data' (data)
- emitted when a request completes.
Returns list of responses from AWS requests
Deletes specified directory and all its children in an S3 bucket. If objects within a directory are more than 1000, it deletes them in multiple requests.
is an object with following properties:
- Bucket (required)
- Prefix (required)
- MFA (optional)
Returns list of responses from AWS Delete Object requests.
client.listObjects(params, ee?: EventEmitter)
Lists objects recursively in the specified directory or path in S3. If there are more than 1000 requests, it lists objects in multiple requests.
is an object with following properties:
- maxObjects: maximum number of objects to list (but might still return more than this number). Default is 10,0000
- s3Params: See
If passed an EventEmitter, it emits the following events on it:
- emitted when a request completes. Called with array of returned S3 objects (AWS.S3.Object[]
Returns list of S3 Objects (AWS.S3.Object[]
S3_KEY=<valid_s3_key> S3_SECRET=<valid_s3_secret> S3_BUCKET=<valid_s3_bucket> npm test
Tests upload and download large amounts of data to and from S3. The test timeout is set to 40 seconds because Internet connectivity waries wildly.