Zero-dependency, pure JavaScript, modal dialogs.
Modal Factory
Zero-dependency, pure JavaScript, modal dialogs.
Getting started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
node 7.x
Clone this repository:
$ git clone
(or download the zip file and unzip)
Install all the devDependencies (remember, there are no runtime dependencies!). First cd
into the project root folder and from there run:
$ npm install
Finally, you can (re)build the library locally, recreate the documentation and run all the tests by issueing the following command:
$ npm run prod
You should now be able to open the example.html
page in the root folder and see a modal window in action. (I recommend you use browsersync for testing but it should work by just opening the file in your browser as well.)
Note that
is using Basscss to style the buttons on the modal.
Running the tests
$ npm run test
If you want to (re)develop parts of the library yourself, you can easily re-build as you develop by using:
$ npm run watch
This will watch for changes and re-build the library as you code away
API Documentation
The API Documentation can be found in the docs
If you want to (re)write parts of the API's documentation yourself, you can easily re-build by using:
$ npm run doc
This will re-build the API documentation (in the docs
For usage in your projects, just install the npm module in your project and require it in your code:
$ npm install modal-factory
Then in your code, e.g. index.js
import modal from 'modal-factory'
Run your favorite bundler and add index.js in your html, just before the body
tag. You can then start writting JavaScript to instanciate modals from the factory. (see example.html
for an example)
Built With
- Babel - The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
- ESLint - Pluggable JavaScript linter (with Airbnb Base config)
- Tape - tap-producing test harness for node and browsers (with faucet)
- JSdoc - an API documentation generator for JavaScript
- PostCSS - Transforming styles with JS plugins (with cssnext)
- Webpack - Bundler
- Mark Vilrokx - Initial work - Oracle