Promise-based, simplified, single-function library for very basic image crop operation on browser side and in modal.
Promise-based, simplified, single-function library for very basic image crop operation on browser side and in modal.
This library depends on Tingle and Cropper.js.
Actually all this library do is to wrap this two libraries into very simple function that just work for specific purpose.
Installation and Usage
- Install the package with your favorite package manager:
npm install --save modal-cropper
- Include css files of dependencies:
@import url('~tingle.js/dist/tingle.css');
@import url('~cropperjs/dist/cropper.css');
- Import and call the library:
var cropper = require('modal-cropper');
async function someFunction() {
// assuming user choose an image from input
// var file = file_input[0].files[0];
// or you have a Blob object with
// and you want 1920x1080 JPG image from it
try {
var result = await cropper(file, 1920, 1080, 'jpg');
if(result) {
// call your favorite http client to upload the picture
} else {
// user cancelled the operation
} catch(e) {
// some exception occur
This library supports CommonJS and AMD specs, if you do not use a proper CommonJS or AMD loader, you need to include Tingle, Cropper.js and index.js and use window.modal_cropper in your code.
If you use ES5 syntax in your project, instead of using await, you can use .then to get the results from this library.
Pull requests and issues are welcome!
© 2018 Burak Tamturk
© 2018 Robin Parisi
© 2015 Chen Fengyuan
Released under the MIT LICENSE