Shared Design Components for S3 Sites
About The Mod Style Design System
Mod Style is a design system package for use on Modernize's S3 microsites. Its purpose is to streamline development by providing flexible, reusable, styled components.
Current examples:
- a predefined list of sass color variables
- media breakpoints
- buttons and button groups
- input fields
- custom icon fonts
- fonts and typography styles
- logos optimized for both desktop and mobile devices
- progress bars
- modals
The functionality of the Mod Style package is built on top of bootstrap-sass, which is a sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3. (bootstrap-sass will be referenced throughout this guide as simply Bootstrap to avoid confusion).
The elements found within Mod Style were developed based on the Mod Style sketch file that is maintained by our designers. The current version can be found here: Mod Style Guide, alongside a changelog, a list of archived versions, and versions that are currently under construction. If this link is not accessible or has not been shared with you, please let someone on the engineering team know.
File Structure of Mod Style
src/ fonts/ modstyle-icons/ - icon font folder
- modicons-basic/
- modicons-fill/
- modicons-stroke/
- modstyle-logos/ - Logo images folder
base/ - minimum core css files used by every page
- _animations
- _breakpoint-mixins
- _colors
- _fonts
- _image-mixins
- _logos
- _reset
- index
- _buttons
- _inputs
- _nav
- _progress-bars
- index
- _basics
- _fill
- _stroke
- index
- _bootstrap-base - for importing minimum core bootstrap modules for all pages
- _custom-variables - for overwriting bootstraps variables with our own styles
.editorconfig - rules for code editors based on company's code guidelines
.sass-lint.yml - configuration for SASS/SCSS linter
package-lock.json - lock file for package.json; makes sure that the same versions of Node modules are installed across env
package.json - Node modules used in mod-site
For Projects Using Mod Site:
Ensure that the latest version of Mod Style is a dependency of your project and is listed inside your package.json.
Ensure that the latest version of Mod Site (currently 4.0.*) is a dependency of your project and is listed inside your package.json.
Mod Site ensures that:
- Bootstrap is included as a dependency in your project.
- Gulp handles proper compiling of src files from the Mod Style package into your project.
Create a folder named
inside thesrc/styles/
folder of your project.Inside the
folder, create a file calledbootstrap-base.scss
.Inside this file you will import the
file from Mod Style.Note: If you need any additional bootstrap components (see below for full list of available components), you will import them from Bootstrap into this file.
Add this base file into the head section of your html file using a link tag.
Your custom css for your project should be listed as a link tag AFTER the bootstrap-base file.
Import whatever components you will need from Mod Style into the top of your project's index.scss file.
- At the very least you will need to import the base/index.scss file.
- If you are using icons you will need to import the correct icon type scss file as well.
Example: Properly Including Link Tags in HTML File
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<link target="_blank" href="/styles/vendor/bootstrap-base.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<link target="_blank" href="/styles/home.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
Example: Importing Bootstrap Files from Mod Style
@import '../../../node_modules/mod-style-bootstrap/src/styles/vendor/bootstrap-base';
@import '../../../node_modules/mod-style-bootstrap/src/styles/base/index';
@import '../../../node_modules/mod-style-bootstrap/src/styles/components/buttons';
@import '../../../node_modules/mod-style-bootstrap/src/styles/components/inputs';
Example: Importing Components from Bootstrap
@import '../../../node_modules/bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/code';
For Projects Not Using Mod Site:
- Currently this functionality is not supported.
How Bootstrap Works for Us
For more information on the version of Bootstrap we are currently using please see Bootstrap 3 - Using Sass .
Mod Style Bootstrap Base
The Mod Style bootstrap-base.scss file serves to pull in the minimum components necessary from Bootstrap.
The components included in this file are:
- custom-variables - Note: see custom variables section below for more info
- variables
- mixins
- normalize
- scaffolding
- component-animations
- grid
- forms
- buttons
- input-groups
- modals - Note: some javascript files necessary for this to work, see bootstrap modals for more info
- utilities
- responsive-utilities
List of all other available Bootstrap components
For more about available components within Bootstrap 3 see Bootstrap 3 Components.
Another version of this list can be found inside the Bootstrap repo.
Mod Style Custom Variables {#stylesvendorcustom-variables.scss}
Every sass variable in Bootstrap includes the !default
flag, allowing
you to override the variable’s default value in your own sass files
without modifying Bootstrap’s source code.
For that reason Mod Style contains a copy of Bootstrap's
file located in styles/vendor/custom-variables.scss
. In this file the
flag has been removed from all variables so that it won’t be
re-assigned by the default values in Bootstrap. All variables that are
in use by our pages have been over written with our own custom styles.
This file is included at the top of the bootstrap-base.scss
because it must come before you import Bootstrap’s Sass variables and
other files for the override to work properly.
Developing and Testing Locally
To test and develop locally you will need to work within two separate repositories:
- Please ensure that you have cloned the repo and you have pulled the most recent changes from master.
- Please make sure to branch from master using a branch name that corresponds with a JIRA ticket, for ease of tracking changes.
- Symlink your local copy of mod-style with the modify project:
- Navigate to the root directory of your local copy of mod-style and run
npm link #
. - Navigate to the root directory of the modify project and run
npm link mod-style-bootstrap #
in your terminal. - This link allows you to see changes made within Mod Style.
- Note: when you make and save changes within Mod Style you will then have to do
cmnd + s
within a modify scss file for you changes to be picked up. - Note: that the npm package name for the mod-style repo is mod-style-bootstrap, not mod-style.
- Run gulp serve from the root directory of the modify project.
- Make necessary changes. If new features or elements are being added (i.e icons, form-elements etc.) please be sure to update the modify project to reflect these changes.
- Be sure to unlink mod-style before pushing your changes by running
npm unlink mod-style-bootstrap #
in the root directory of the modify project. - Create a PR against the master branch of
- Once your PR is approved merge your feature branch into qa. Note: any changes made in mod-style will have to be published before deploying this repo to qa.
- Once qa approves you can merge your changes to master.
- Please ensure that you have cloned the mod-style repo and you have pulled the most recent changes from master.
- Please make sure to branch from master using a branch name that corresponds with the same JIRA ticket you used above, for ease of tracking changes.
- Make necessary changes. If new features or elements are being added (i.e icons, form-elements etc.) please be sure to update the ui to reflect these changes.
- Update the version number in the package.json.
- If this update coincides with an update to the design system sketch
file, please be sure to update
in the package.json as well, to match the version number named on the sketch file. - Create a PR against master branch.
- Once your PR is approved merge your mod-style feature branch directly to master (Note: There is no qa branch for mod-style).
- In your terminal, from the root directory of mod-style, on the
master branch run
npm publish
. - Depending on the version number you are releasing, the change will take effect on pages only once the page has been re-deployed to production by qa. If it's a major version increase, pages will have to manually opt in to the change.