Base Styles for S3 Sites
About The Mod Base Design System
Mod Base is a design system package for use on Modernize's S3 microsites. This differs from our mod-style library because we will be removing the use of bootstrap, and will no longer house "component styles." Component styles will live with their shared component HTML / JS.
File Structure of Mod Base
src / fonts / modstyle-icons/ - icon font folder
- modicons-basic
- modicons-fill
- modicons-stroke
styles /
base /
- _breakpoint-mixins
- _colors
- _flex
- _fonts
- _reset
- index
icons /
- _basics
- _fill
- _stroke
- index
templates /
- _dark-mode
.editorconfig - rules for code editors based on company's code guidelines
.sass-lint.yml - configuration for SASS/SCSS linter
package.json - Node modules used in mod-base
Updating Mod Base
When updating mod-base, you will want to create a beta version to pull into a site for testing purposes (before publishing a new, stable version).
For more detailed instructions on updating NPM packages — checkout our documentation! How to Update NPM Packages