A server use static files as restful api.
Mockup Server
This is a development server use static files as restful api data source. Frontend developers can use this server as the beckend in the development phase.
Support mockjs syntax for json mockup data.
npm install mockup-server --save-dev
Usage from command line
Issue the command ./node_modules/.bin/mockup-server
in your project's directory.
Command line parameters:
-p, --port
listening port [string] [default: "4080"]-o, --origin
used as Access-Control-Allow-Origin, if can not inferred from refer [string] [default: "*"]-b, --base
base dir for locating the api files, which is relative toprocess.cwd()
[string] [default: "mockup-data"]-c, --context
the context of the api [string] [default: ""]If the context is "mock" and the request path "/mock/foo/bar.json" then the server will locate file "foo/bar.json" in the base dir.
-f, --fallback
fallback name for an unmatched node in the path [string] [default: "_"]If a node in the path cann't be found, the server will replace the node name with the fallback node name, and try to locate the api file with the converteed path.
e.g. If "/foo/1/bar.json" doen't exist, but "/foo/_/bar.json" exists, "/foo/_/bar.json" will be returned.
-e, --enable-query
enable query string [boolean] [default: false]If query string is enabled, "/foo/bar.json?a=1&b=2" will be resolved to file "foo/bar/a=1&b=2.json", otherwise the query string will be ignored.
-i, --ignore-queries
ignore query string param names, seperate by blank space [array] [default: []]A list of query string name to be ignored.
-t, --content-type
default content-type of response header [string] [default: "application/json; charset=utf-8"]-x, --proxy-host
miss matched request will be sent to proxy host, seperate mutiple hosts with white space-d, --debug
debug mode-h, --help
display usage hint-v, --version
display version
If the request method isn't "get", the server will try to locate the file with the method suffix first.
e.g. If request method is "put", and request path is "/foo/bar.json", then "/foo/bar.put.json" will be located first. If not exist, then fallback to "/foo/bar.json".