A Server Mocker for creating temperary rest api servers.
MockifyJS is an npm package that allows you to quickly create a mock server by using a very easy to learn and understand syntax.
MockifyJS can be installed with npm using the command below.
npm i -g mockifyjs
After Installing MockifyJS,
Create a mocker file server.mkr
and run your mocker file with the command
mockify server.mkr
Which will run the mocker file on the default Port 3000
You can change this by passing the port too.
mockify server.mkr 5000
Modifying a mocker file after runing the mocker server will make the changes take place instantly,
Which means you dont have to restart the mocker server everytime you modify the mocker file.
The Mocker Syntax is very easy to understand and learn.
This is a basic mocker file syntax.
A Mocker File has a Request Method
which could be any of this.
- GET - a GET request
- POST - a POST request
- PUT - a PUT request
- DELETE - a DELETE request
- HEAD - a HEAD request
- OPTIONS - a OPTIONS request
- TRACE - a TRACE request
- CONNECT - a CONNECT request
- ALL - any type of request
Request Path
The Request Path
is the Request Path of a request.
Eg api/v2/user
When any request to the mocker server matches the Request Method
and Request Path
The Response Headers
and Response Text
is returned.
If the request does not match any request in the mocker file, a 404
error occurs.
Mocker Tags are special words in MockifyJS
which starts with a $
We use these Tags in The Response Text
to return a special type of response.
The echo Tag simply returns the Request Data
as the Response Text
Which means it gives you back what you give it.
POST /api 200
Content-Type: application/json
The randomNumber Tag takes a number and returns a random number between 0 and the number passed to it.
POST /random 200
Content-Type: application/json
$randNumber 100
The get Tag takes a url and makes a get request to this url and retun the response as Response Text
POST /get/example 200
The readFile Tag reads a file from the file system and return it as the Response Text
This can be used to return a media or any other type of file.
This is an example of an image file.
GET /images/cat.jpg 200
Content-Type: image/jpeg
$readFile ../../Downloads/cat.jpg
MockifyJS was made with ❤️ in 🇳🇬 by Dev Bash