Extensible mock req / res objects for use in unit tests of Express controller and middleware functions.
Extensible mock req
/ res
objects for use in unit tests of ExpressJS
controller and middleware functions.
This library assumes:
- You are using NodeJS 8+
- You write properly isolated unit tests of route controllers and ExpressJS middleware functions
- You use
version 5 or better.
Add mock-req-res
as a devDependency
npm i -D mock-req-res
If you are using TypeScript you can add @types/mock-req-res
npm i -D @types/mock-req-res
Mocking req
To test a controller or middleware function you need to mock a request object.
Do this with:
const req = mockRequest(options)
The options
can be anything you wish to attach or override in the request.
The vanilla mockRequest
gives you the following properties, as well as functions in the form of sinon
app: {},
baseUrl: '',
body: {},
cookies: {},
fresh: true,
headers: {},
hostname: '',
ip: '',
ips: [],
method: 'GET',
originalUrl: '',
params: {},
path: '',
protocol: 'https',
query: {},
route: {},
secure: true,
signedCookies: {},
stale: false,
subdomains: [],
xhr: true,
accepts: stub(),
acceptsCharsets: stub(),
acceptsEncodings: stub(),
acceptsLanguages: stub(),
get: stub(),
is: stub(),
range: stub(),
Mocking res
To test a route controller or middleware function you also need to mock a response object.
Do this with:
const res = mockResponse(options)
The options
can be anything you wish to attach or override in the request.
The vanilla mockResponse
gives you the following functions, in the form of sinon
spies and stubs.
app: {},
headersSent: false,
locals: {},
append: spy(),
attachment: spy(),
clearCookie: spy(),
download: spy(),
end: spy(),
format: spy(),
json: spy(),
jsonp: spy(),
links: spy(),
location: spy(),
redirect: spy(),
render: spy(),
send: spy(),
sendFile: spy(),
sendStatus: spy(),
set: spy(),
setHeader: spy(),
type: spy(),
get: stub(),
getHeader: stub(),
cookie: stub().returns(res), // returns itself, allowing chaining
status: stub().returns(res), // returns itself, allowing chaining
vary: stub().returns(res) // returns itself, allowing chaining
Note you can always add other spies or stubs as needed via the options
Let's say you have a route controller like this:
const save = require('../../utils/saveThing') // assume this exists.
const createThing = async (req, res) => {
const { name, description } = req.body
if (!name || !description) throw new Error('Invalid Properties')
const saved = await save({ name, description })
To unit test this you could use Mocha
, Chai
, Sinon
, and Proxyquire
as follows:
const { expect } = require('chai')
const { stub, match } = require('sinon')
const { mockRequest, mockResponse } = require('mock-req-res')
const proxyquire = require('proxyquire')
describe('src/api/things/createThing', () => {
const mockSave = stub()
const createThing = proxyquire('../../src/api/things/createThing', {
'../../utils/saveThing': mockSave
const res = mockResponse()
const resetStubs = () => {
context('happy path', () => {
const name = 'some name'
const description = 'some description'
const req = mockRequest({ body: { name, description } })
const expected = { name, description, id: 1 }
before(async () => {
await createThing(req, res)
it('called save with the right data', () => {
expect(save).to.have.been.calledWith(match({ name, description }))
it('called res.json with the right data', () => {
// and also test the various unhappy path scenarios.
See also
| Branch | Status | Coverage | Audit | Notes |
| ------ | ------ | -------- | ----- | ----- |
| develop
| | | | Work in progress |
| main
| | | | Latest stable release |
Development Prerequisites
Test it
npm test
— runs the unit tests.npm run test:unit:cov
— runs the unit tests with code coverage
Lint it
npm run lint
Please see the contributing notes.