local server mock and proxy tool
npm install mock-proxy-middleware --save-dev
var mockMiddleware = require('mock-proxy-middleware')
define config /xxx/config.js
module.exports = [
rules: ['^/api/', ^/common-api/], // array,typeof string or regexp
rules: '^/api/', // string or regexp
proxyConfig: {
host: '',
port: 8080,
isHttps: false, // default the same with original
timeout: 30000, // ms, default 30000ms
headers: { // set custom headers to proxy server, default proxy original headers
cookie: 'xxxx'
redirect: (path) => { // could config redirect path for remote api
return path
excludes: [ // when use proxy mode, this apis use local mode
'^/api/get_index_data/', // string
/^\/api\/user_info/, // regexp
(request, proxyConfig) => { // function
return === '/xxxx/' // any logic
fillMissingMock: false, // fill missing mock file when lost
beforeRequest: (params, options) => {
return [
_token: 'xxxxx', // add some extra params or reset key:value in params
agent: false, // set some extra options for nodejs http(s).request`s options
auth: 'xxxx'
mockConfig: {
path: 'mock', // project`s mock dir name, default 'mock'
ext: '.js'
if you use express server, you can use it like here:
var app = express()
var config = require('/xxx/config')
'/xxx/config.js' // if set the config path as first param,the change is immediate effect when modify config
'/xxx/xxx/personal_path_config.js' // optional,prevent modification conflicts, could set the second param as self config, add this config file to .gitignore file
for example,a api like '/common-api/get_user_info', you can define a js file at ${project}/mock/common-api/get_user_info.js, it`s content like
function (params) {
return {
err_no: 0,
err_msg: '',
sleep: 1000, // mock 1 second delay
data: {
name: 'zhangsan'
err_no: 0,
err_msg: '',
data: {
name: 'zhangsan'
if you want to cache mock status by context, you can do it like this:
let times = 0
return function (params) { // this 'return' is required
return {
code: xxx,
data: {
times: times++ // this can cache prev value
for example another, a api like '/api/a/b/c', you can define a js file at ${project}/mock/api/a_b_c.js if you use gulp-connect server, you can use it like here:
var connect = require('gulp-connect');
var config = require('/xxx/config');
host: host,
port: port,
root: ['/'],
middleware: function(connect, opt) {
return [
mockMiddleware(config || '/xxx/config') // if set a path of config, config is immediate effect
if you use webpack-dev-server, you can use it like here on webpack.config.js:
var config = require('/xxx/config');
devServer: {
contentBase: '/dist',
port: 8888,
historyApiFallback: true,
inline: true,
before: function(app) {
app.use(mockProxyMiddleware(config || '/xxx/config')) // if set a path of config, config is immediate effect
if you look at all of apis at this project, input 'https?:{host}/show-apis', need has mock file and meta about api description
scaffold is a demo project with mock proxy tool scaffold
serverany is a local static server with the mock proxy tool serverany