Mocha sonar generic tesst coverage integrator
This is a mocha reporter project to integrate mocha unit tests to sonar Generic Test coverage unit tests execution results
This reporter is only for unit test sucess/failures verification, to unit test line coverage take a look on istanbul reporter
npm install mocha-sonar-generic-test-coverage --save-dev
On pure mocha
mocha --reporter mocha-sonar-generic-test-coverage testFolder
On mocha-test for use with grunt
mochaTest: {
coverage: {
options: {
reporter: 'mocha-sonar-generic-test-coverage',
quiet: false,
captureFile: null, // default mocha test capture file variable
reporterOptions: {
outputFile: null, // relative path file to capture instead append to captureFile (this file will not get prints at stdout)
useFileFullPath: false // generate report for the files using fullpath
src: [
$ npm install && npm test
Report demo sample
$ npm install && \
cd demo && \
npm install && \
npm start
Running "mochaTest:test" (mochaTest) task
Warning: Task "mochaTest:test" failed. Used --force, continuing.
Done, but with warnings.
There is one test with error intencionally for metrics at sonar
Running sonarscanner
$ docker run -p9000:9000 --name sonarqube -v $PWD:/app defreitas/sonarqube:6.3.1-alpine
Reporting to sonarqube
$ docker exec -it sonarqube sh -c 'cd /app && sonar-scanner'
Then open your browser and see the test report results
Output example
<unitTest version="1">
<file path="src/main/java/com/example/">
<testCase name="test1" duration="500"/>
<testCase name="test2" duration="600"/>
<testCase name="test3" duration="600">
<failure message="sort message">long stacktrace</failure>
<testCase name="test4" duration="600">
<error message="sort message">long stacktrace</error>
<testCase name="test5" duration="600">
<skipped message="sort message">long stacktrace</skipped>
Sonar preview
Release Notes
0.0.6 backing mstc support
0.0.5 SonarQube > 6.2 support - [See reference](See:
0.0.4 mstc
variable was migrated to reporterOptions
, anyway mstc
it's supported yet