This module generates detailed mocha test running report and send to the slack communication channel by using provided slack webhook url.
This is a Node.js module that gives detailed report about your tests excution on any CI server such as Jenkins, CircleCI etc.
- Easy report to the slack channel by using webhooks
- Test run summary
- Possible to send link to the report
- Possible to send list of failed test along with their suite name
- Possible to send error stack of the failed test
How to use
Install the module by using command:
npm install mocha-slack-notifications-reporter
It is recommended to use mocha programitically to configure your report in efficient way. Please take a look at below code.
const Mocha = require('mocha')
const mocha = new Mocha({
reporter: 'mocha-slack-notifications-reporter',
url:'', // Use your Incoming Webhook URL to post a message to Slack <string> (Required)
channel: '#general', // Сhannel name <string> (Required)
username: 'allure_reporter', // The user who will send the messages <string> (Required)
linkToReport: 'http://...' // Link to the report <string> (Optional)
logFailedTests: true, // Send in a message the failed tests <boolean> (Optional, "false" by default)
title: 'Slack report test' // Message title <string> (Optional)
environment: 'production' // Test environment <string> (Optional)
additionalInfo: { // Key value for additional logging (Optional)
'Test features': 'authorization, purchases'
useEmoji: true // Send in a message the failed tests <boolean> (Optional, "false" by default)
useReportButton: true // Send in a message the failed tests <boolean> (Optional, "false" by default)
logTestRunDuration: true // Logs the test run duration tests <boolean> (Optional, "false" by default)
You can pass comma-separated options to the reporter via mocha's --reporter-options
flag. Options passed this way will take precedence over environment variables.
$ mocha test.js --reporter mocha-slack-notifications-reporter --reporter-options url=url,channel=channel,usename=username
The example output for the slack report looks like below.