Compares given image with provided buffer or file
Module makes possible to compare images during mocha test execution. It generates report in specified folder which includes provided test image, image received from buffer/file, diff image (if previous tests were ok) and report json file for each test.
It compares images by three parameters:
- format (PNG, JPG etc)
- geometry (width/height)
- content (by MSE metric)
npm install --save-dev mocha-image-compare
This module is pretty easy to use. First include it into you test file:
var mic = require('mocha-image-compare');
Also, you can specify optional parameters like
var mic = require('mocha-image-comapre')({
report: '/path/to/report/folder', // path to the report folder, default
// is './report'
threshold: 0.002, // default detection thresold, default is 0.001
highlight: 'yellow' // image diff highlight color
Please note, this way you'll have common scope for all tests run in common, even if you include it in other test file.
To have a separate scope you need to instantiate a new instance, like this:
var scope = new mic(options);
To get actual compare function you need to bind test with the comparator instance like
it('my cool test', function(done) {
var compare = mic.test(this);
// other stuff
compare('/path/to/file/to/compare/with.jpg', buffer, done);
You can test an already saved file too:
it('my cool test', function(done) {
var compare = mic.test(this);
// other stuff
compare('/file/to/compare/with.jpg', 0.004, // you can specify threshold too!
'/test/file/to/compare.jpg', done);
There is also a syntax sugar which will be pretty useful for testing with
it('my cool test', function(done) {
var compare = mic.test(this);
// other stuff
.expect('Content-Type': 'image/jpeg')
.end(compare.asSupertest('/file/to/compare/with.jpg', done));
Report folder contains up to four files per compare invocation:
- <sha1-hash>-src.<filetype>: original file
- <sha1-hash>-dst.<filetype>: resulting file saved from buffer/file
- <sha1-hash>-diff.png: image shows visual difference between images
- <sha1-hash>-report.json: JSON encoded test results.
Example JSON report is:
// threshold for test
"threshold": 0.001,
"test": "/project/test/001-thumbnails.js", // test suite file
"name": [
"thumbnails", // suite name
"should create thumbnail with scaling" // test name
// original file
"src": "./report/1b924ae63414b5876a0b04feeaa88d41b0d2da41-src.png",
// report file (this one!)
"report": "./report/1b924ae63414b5876a0b04feeaa88d41b0d2da41-report.json",
// object dimensions
"geometry": {
"src": "200x82",
"dst": "200x82"
// object formats
"format": {
"src": "PNG (Portable Network Graphics)",
"dst": "PNG (Portable Network Graphics)"
// got file/content
"dst": "./report/1b924ae63414b5876a0b04feeaa88d41b0d2da41-dst.png",
// image diff file
"diff": "./report/1b924ae63414b5876a0b04feeaa88d41b0d2da41-diff.png",
// actual equality value
"equality": 0,
// content comparison test result
"isEqual": true