Cleans up mocha stack traces.
Cleans up mocha test stack traces.
Mocha stack traces are riddled with frames that you don't want to see, like code from modules and Mocha internals.
1) Test:
ReferenceError: someKey is not defined
at Context.<anonymous> (/Users/rsc/Projects/mocha-clean/test/test.js:24:5)
at callFn (/Users/rsc/Projects/mocha-clean/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:249:21)
at (/Users/rsc/Projects/mocha-clean/node_modules/mocha/lib/runnable.js:242:7)
at Runner.runTest (/Users/rsc/Projects/mocha-clean/node_modules/mocha/lib/runner.js:373:10)
This is better:
1) Test:
ReferenceError: someKey is not defined
at myFunction (test/test:7:1)
at test/test.js:24:5
It strips away mocha internals, node_modules, absolute paths (based on cwd), and other unneccessary cruft.
Usage (Node.js)
$ npm i --save-dev mocha-clean
Add this to your test/mocha.opts
--require mocha-clean
Usage (browser)
Experimental browser support is available. Get the latest version here:
<script src="//"></script>
In the browser, use mocha.traceIgnores
to define files to be excluded. Your
setup will likely look like this (with chai.js in this example):
<script src="mocha.js"></script>
<script src="chai.js"></script>
<script src="mocha-clean.js"></script>
<script>mocha.traceIgnores = ['mocha.js', 'chai.js']</script>
<script src="tests.js"></script>
Brief mode
To display brief format error messages similar to C++, Ruby and so on,
add this to test/mocha.opts
--require mocha-clean/brief
This displays the filenames first (file:n:n: function
), which is reformatted from
the JavaScript-style at function (file:n:n)
1) error:
ReferenceError: xyz is not defined
test/fail.js:12:4: myfunction
test/fail.js:9:9: Context.<anonymous>
Showing node_modules
By default, mocha-clean removes anything under node_modules
To disable this behavior, add this to test/mocha.opts
--require mocha-clean/show_node_modules
Using with Gulp, Grunt, Karma, et al
See: Using with mocha loaders ▸
Showing absolute paths
By default, mocha-clean removes the current working directory from the beginning
of paths. To disable this behavior, add this to test/mocha.opts
--require mocha-clean/absolute_paths
Related discussions
There was talk in 2012 to bring this feature to mocha itself (see mocha#545),
which eventually was merged around v2.2.5. It's been updated eversince to only
affect mocha's internals. In contrast, mocha-clean cleans up all your
's stack frames.
mocha-clean has been tested with mocha 1.21.x and will likely work for the entire mocha 1.x series.
mocha-clean © 2014+, Rico Sta. Cruz. Released under the MIT License. Authored and maintained by Rico Sta. Cruz with help from contributors (list). · GitHub @rstacruz · Twitter @rstacruz