Easily persist and rehydrate your [MobX-State-Tree]( data stores.
Mobx-State-Tree Persist
Easily persist and rehydrate your MobX-State-Tree data stores.
Configure which nodes from data tree should be persisted and use the persist
API. Each node can be individually configured:
const BearModel = types.model('bear')
number: types.optional(types.number, 0)
const FishModel = types.model('fish')
number: types.optional(types.number, 0)
const RootModel = types.model('root')
fish: FishModel,
bear: BearModel,
const rootStore = RootModel.create({
fish: {},
bear: {},
const persistStore = persist([
[rootStore.bear, {key: "bear", storage: AsyncStorage}],
[, {key: "fish", storage: AsyncStorage}],
The call to persist
returns a state tree node in intself that can obvserved in any component. The node contains a isRehydrated
computed value that flips to true
once each configured store has had a chance to load data.
// Example in React
import {observer} from 'mobx-react-lite';
const App = observer(() => {
// return 'null' until store rehydrated
if (!persistStore.isRehydrated) {
return null;
return (
// app content
| option | Description |
| ------ | ----------- |
| key | required - key which the data is stored within the Storage Engine. |
| storage | required - Storage Engine the node is saved within. Any engine can be used that implements the Storage Interface |
| delay | optional - delay timeout in ms before data should be written out to Storage Engine. Default value: 0
| whitelist | optional - configure which keys from the snapshot should be persisted. Default: all keys.|
Storage Interface
Any Storage Engine may be used that implements the following interface:
export type Storage = {
getItem: (key: string) => Promise<string | null | undefined>;
setItem: (key: string, data: string) => Promise<void>;