MobX powered router for React apps
MobX State Router
MobX-powered router for React apps.
- State is decoupled from the UI. UI is simply a function of the state.
- UI is no longer responsible for fetching data. Data is now fetched during state transitions using router hooks.
- The router can override routing requests based on the application state. For example, it can redirect to the Sign In page if the user is not logged in.
- Supports
- 404 (Not Found) errors
- Server-Side Rendering
Learn how to use mobx-state-router in your own project.
Make sure all your commit messages conform to the Angular Commit Message Conventions.
To simplify this process, we have included Commitizen as a dependency of this project. Always execute the following command sequence to commit your changes. It will prompt you to fill out any required commit fields interactively.
git add --all
yarn cz-commit # interactive conventional commit
git push
Testing local builds
To test local builds with examples in the examples
folder, follow the steps
listed below:
- Build the package
yarn build:local # creates a dist folder
- Create a tarball from the package
npm pack # packages src and dist into a tarball with name [package-name]-[version].tgz
- Go to an example in the examples directory and add the tarball as a dependency
cd examples/mobx-shop
yarn add ../../[package-name]-[version].tgz
- Run the example
yarn start
Release to NPM
Change the version number in package.json. Use semver. For pre-release versions add a suffix & build number, e.g 5.0.0-beta.1.
Commit and push (see above)
Build the package
yarn build:local
- Release to npm
npm publish # for normal release (adds `latest` tag)
npm publish --tag next # for pre-release (adds `next` tag)
- Tag the release and push the tag to remote
Publishing docs to GitHub Pages
Make sure you are connected to GitHub using your SSH key.
cd website
GIT_USER=nareshbhatia CURRENT_BRANCH=master USE_SSH=true yarn publish-gh-pages
mobx-state-router is based on ideas from several Open Source projects. I am grateful to the developers of these projects for their contributions. Special thanks go to the following contributions:
How to decouple state and UI (a.k.a. you don’t need componentWillMount)
This article by Michel Weststrate provided the
initial inspiration for writing mobx-state-router. It explains the downsides of mixing
State and UI and how to untangle the mess!
This library by Kitze is a good implementation of Michel
Weststrate's ideas. I have borrowed some concepts from this implementation and then
added my own. Thanks Kitze!
This is a more extensive library for routing. It's unique feature is that routes
are organized as a tree, made of segments and nodes. It aims to be framework agnostic
and uses middleware and plugins to adapt to different frameworks. Of course, with
flexibility comes complexity. mobx-state-router makes some choices for you to keep
the overall learning curve simple.