A collection of helper modules for react native applications
A collection of helper modules for react native applications.
yarn add mobile-rn-utils
npm install mobile-rn-utils --save
alert - a helper module for redux-saga; it wraps react native Alert.alert() to use within sagas (generator functions). It exports two functions: alert() and confirm().
alert Usage
import { alert, confirm } from 'mobile-rn-utils/alert'
// Example 1 - alert() usage in saga
import { call, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { alert } from 'mobile-rn-utils/alert';
import { ON_APP_ERROR } from './constants';
function* _onAppError(action) {
console.log('----saga _onAppError saga----');
yield call(alert, action.title, action.message);
export function* watchOnAppError() {
yield takeLatest(ON_APP_ERROR, _onAppError);
// Example 2 - confirm() usage in saga
import { call, takeLatest } from 'redux-saga/effects';
import { confirm } from 'mobile-rn-utils/alert';
import { ON_DELETE_REQUEST } from './constants';
function* _onDeleteRequest(action) {
console.log('----saga _onDeleteRequest saga----');
const isDeleteConfirmed = yield call(confirm, 'Delete', `Do you really want to delete ${}?`);
if (isDeleteConfirmed) {
// Delete logic goes here
export function* watchOnDeleteRequest() {
yield takeLatest(ON_DELETE_REQUEST, _onDeleteRequest);
alert API
alert(title: string, message: string, okButtonTitle?: string = 'OK'): Promise<void>
Displays react native Alert.alert() with given title, message, and one 'positive' button. Returns nothing.
confirm(title: string, message: string, confirmButtonTitle?: string = 'OK', cancelButtonTitle?: string = 'Cancel'): Promise<boolean>
Displays react native Alert.alert() with given title, message, and two buttons (one 'positive' and one 'negative'). If user press 'positive' button, returns true. Otherwise returns false.
constants - a collection of useful constants
constants Usage
import { isAndroid } from 'mobile-rn-utils/constants'
if (isAndroid) {
// Android specific rendering goes here
constants API
isAndroid: string
true if device is AndroidisIOS: string
true if iOS devicedeviceWidth: number
Device screen width (does not depend on the current device orientation)deviceHeight: number
Device screen height (does not depend on the current device orientation)isSmallScreen: boolean
true if device has small screenisShortScreen: boolean
true is device has short screenmonospaceFontFamily: string
"Courier" font family on iOS and 'monospace" font family on AndroidbaselineDeviceWidth: number
iPhone 5 screen widthbaselineDeviceHeight: number
iPhone 5 screen height
scaleUtils - a collection of helper functions for responsive UI
scaleUtils Usage
import { scale, verticalScale, moderateScale, widthFromPercentage, heightFromPercentage } from 'mobile-rn-utils/scaleUtils'
const responsiveWidth = scale(60);
const responsiveHeight = verticalScale(120);
const padding = moderateScale(5);
const width = widthFromPercentage('95%');
const height = heightFromPercentage('33%');
scaleUtils API
scale(size: number): number
Scale input parameter size based on the current device screen width.
verticalScale(size: number): number
Scale input parameter size based on the current device screen height.
moderateScale(size: number, factor: number = 0.5): number
Scale input parameter based on the current device screen width and additionally provided scale factor
widthFromPercentage(widthInPercent: string): number
Translate given width in percent to width in pixels
heightFromPercentage(heightInPercent: string): number
Translate given height in percent to height in pixels
hocs - a collection of Higher-Order Components
withSize - a HOC that will dispatch onLayout method and pass to the wrapped component x, y, width, height via props (the x and y values are relative to the top left corner of the screen)
withSize Usage
import withSize from 'mobile-rn-utils/hocs/withSize'
// EnhancedComponent will receive x, y, with, height via props
const EnhancedComponent = withSize(WrappedComponent);