Simple and small data binding library
A simple data binding library to cover the basic needs and with the possibility to expand its bindings in a very simple way. Keep going through this document and you'll see how.
If you want to use mnster
in your project you can just add a script tag to it.
<script src="assets/scripts/mnster.js"></script>
It's also available in npm and bower if you are using any of these package managers.
npm install mnster --save
bower install mnster --save
As most of the libraries of its kind, mnster will let you fill the content of an HTML template by calling the view function, you only need to pass a template (node), a context (string) and the model of the view (object).
var template = document.createElement('p');
template.setAttribute('mns-text', '');
mnster.view(template, { context: 'me', model: { name: 'John Oliver' } });
Yes! It's that simple.
As you might notice you will need to add some attributes that must start with mns- and then continue with the name of the binding and depending on it some other information. The value of that attribute needs to start with the name of the context and then the property.
You can have as many properties as you want.
var template = document.createElement('p');
template.innerHTML = '<span mns-text=""></span> ' +
'<span mns-text=""></span>';
template, {
context: 'me',
model: {
name: {
first: 'John',
last: 'Oliver'
You can create the template and later append it to the body of the document or get just it from the DOM and generate a view, both will work good and of course you have other bindings available.
Here are the things you can do with mnster with just adding it to your project. If the property you declared in the binding attribute is not found mnster won't add nothing to the node.
Sets the text content of an element.
<p mns-text=""></p>
Inserts HTML content to an element.
<article mns-html="post.excerpt"></article>
Adds an atribute and its value to the element.
<img mns-attr-src="user.avatar" alt="">
Adds a data atribute and its value to the element.
<img mns-data-lazyload="post.image.isLarge" mns-data-src="post.image.src">
Shows the element if the value form the model is true.
<button mns-show="profile.available">Hire me!</button>
Hides the element if the value form the model is true.
<button mns-hide="user.currentJob">Hire me!</button>
Sets an event in the element. It can be global or inside a controller. When you declare a view you are able to add a controller as a configuration, if you don't specify that then mnster will asume the method is global.
ctrl = {
showMessage: function() {
alert('Click triggered!');
template, {
context: 'me',
model: {},
controller: ctrl
<button mns-on-click="showMessage">alert!</button>
Generates content for every item in the model.
<ul mns-each-job="">
<span mns-text="job.role"></span> in <span mns-text=""></span>
Note: You may notice that there aren't a lot of bindings available. The reason is that I usually don't like to include code in my projects that doesn't end up being used. So I prefer to keep the bindings to minimum, this means less file size and faster loading times.
But I need other bindings! Yes, there's a chance you might need more bindings, that's why mnster allows you to declare bindings in a very easy way. You can feed your mnster with as much bindings as you want.
Declaring new bindings
If you need to extend the funcitonality of this library, you can use the mnster.binding
method. First of all, remember that any binding attribute must start with mns- followed by the binding name itself and after that you can add as much letters and hyphens as you want. You'll also need a function that does the trick, for that mnster will give you a context object with all the values you need to apply your binding.
Every context object will contain this properties:
- context.node element that holds the binding attribute
- context.attribute name of the attribute
- context.value value of the attribute
- context.valueFromModel value of the property in the model, if it's not define it will return null.
- context.controller controller declared in the view
Let's see our first example, here the context object that the mns-text receives contains these values:
var template = document.createElement('p');
template.setAttribute('mns-text', '');
mnster.view(template, { context: 'me', model: { name: 'John Oliver' } });
- context.node template (node)
- context.attribute 'mns-text' (string)
- context.value ''
- context.valueFromModel 'John Oliver' (string)
- context.controller window object
You can check the source code and see how the mns-attr works.
mnster.binding('attr', function (context) {
var node = context.node,
attr = context.attribute.replace('mns-attr-', ''),
value = context.valueFromModel;
if (attr && value !== null) {
node.setAttribute(attr, value + '');
We use context.attribute value and replace the first part of it to get the actual attribute name that needs to be added. Then we get context.valueFromModel and if it's not null and if the attribute anme is not an empty string it is set to the element.
You can add as many bindings as you want.
Change binding prefix
If you don't like mns-
as the prefix you can change it calling mnster.prefix
and passing a valid string.
- mnster.js 9.26KB
- mnster.min.js 3.12KB
- gzipped mnster.min.js 1.21KB
- Event binding only works on browsers with
support. mnster.view
supports content from a template tag as first argument.
This is the first version of this library. Feel free to use it, explore it, propose changes and bindings or rise issues here. It's open for everyone.
feed your mnster and happy coding!