Simple NodeJS Massive-Multiplayers-Online game server
Simple NodeJS Massive-Multiplayers-Online game server.
This is an HTTP server, more suited for HTML5 games.
By default, it will serve static pages from a specified location (option www
But you can register URLs to be Javascript services.
Here is an example of how to use this module to create your own server:
var Server = require( "mmo-server" );
var server = new Server();
// Name of the service.
// @param {string} - Service name.
// @param {any} - Input of the service.
// @param {function} context.resolve - Function to call when the service succeed.
// @param {function} context.reject - Function to call when the service succeed.
function ( context ) {
if ( !Array.isArray( ) ) {
context.reject( "Argument for `sum` must be an Array!" );
} else {
var sum = function ( acc, val ) {
return acc + parseFloat(val);
}, 0 );
context.resolve( {
sum: sum,
average: sum /
} );
server.start( {
// Path of static files.
root: "./www",
// Port to listen on. If not defined (or defined to zero), the first free port
// will be automatically selected.
port: 8000,
// Function called as soon as the server starts successfully.
// `args` is an object with the following attributes:
// * `address`: hostname or IP address.
// * `port`: port on which the server is listening.
onStart: function ( args ) {
console.log( "Server started on http://" + args.address + ":" + args.port );
// Function called if the server failed to start.
// `err` is the error message.
onFailure: function ( err ) {
console.error( "Server failed to start due to the following error:\n", err );
} );
If you want to test this mini server, just create a mini project like this:
mkdir my-project
cd my-project
npm install --save mmo-server
Then, create the file test.js
in your new folder my-project
and fill it with the code of our example. Come back in the folder and type:
node test.js
Your server is up and running!
You can test it with this command:
firefox "http://localhost:8000/ADD?[3,7]"
Here is an example of a browser client using the summation service described in the previous example:
window.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function () {
svc( "sum", [3,7] ).then( function ( result ) {
alert( "3+7=" + result );
} );
} );
// You can use this function as is to send queries to a specific service.
// The return is a Promise.
function svc( name, data ) {
return new Promise( function ( resolve, reject ) {
fetch( name, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify( data )
} ).then(
function ( response ) {
if ( response.ok ) {
response.text().then( function ( text ) {
try {
resolve( JSON.parse( text ) );
} catch ( ex ) {
reject( "Invalid JSON: " + text );
} );
} else {
response.text().then( function ( text ) {
reject( "Error " + response.status + ": " + text );
} )
).catch( reject );
} );