A simple Javascript report library to make report from html for Electron and browser with no dependency and written in Typescript
My simple JavaScript report library to make report with html document elements for Electron and browser with no dependency and written in Typescript ;-)
Demo of generating and render report in browser:
click here to see Electron.js demo gif
source of demo available on example directory of current repo.
API Docs
for use in browser just add UMD version of package to your page:
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mjreport/dist/umd/index.min.js"></script>
with npm:
$ npm install --save mjreport
or with yarn:
$ yarn add mjreport
- To get started, you must first import library to your project, on browser you can use umd version, on the electron you can use commonjs to import module to your project.
- On the server or on the main process of electron you have to create a Generator object in which to describe the report. (set styles/fonts, set header/footer elements, add text to report body, add table...)
- After describe your report you can generate report data and pass it to client html page or electron renderer process.
- To pass data from page to page or from main process to renderer you can use json-fn to stringify & parse function or use global variable.
- No on the other side you have to just create an instance of Renderer class of mjreport.
- You have to pass data came from Generator object as first argument.
- You can specify a div with it's element id to draw everything inside it or create a div with mjRoot id.
- After create a new renderer you can call draw() method to show the report.
To see full detailed check API Docs
- Generator(title?: string, paperType?: PaperType): Generator
- addCss(link: string): void
- setStyle(rawCss: string): void
- setHeader(elements: MjElement[]): void
- setFooter(elements: MjElement[]): void
- setContent(elements: MjElement[]): void
- addText(text: string, className?: string, idName?: string): MjElement
- addHeading(text: string, level?: HeadingLevel, className?: string, idName?: string): MjElement
- addTable(value: TableValue, className?: string, idName?: string): MjElement
- addPageBreak(): MjElement
- generate(): Data
- Renderer(data: Data, rootElementName?: string): Renderer
- draw(): void
- PaperType
- A4_Portrait
- A4_Landscape
- A5_Portrait
- A5_Landscape
- HeadingLevel
- H1
- H2
- H3
- H4
- H5
- H6