cross platform & feature-rich audio player
A cross platform & feature-rich audio player for node.js
Unique features
- Cross platform - supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS
- Works out of the box - no external dependencies* (Some Linux distros may require additional installation) (MacOS binary is under development)
- Supports FLAC, MP3, Ogg, VOC, and WAV files
- Advanced control of playback through seek, volume, pause, fade in, and callback configurability
- Allows control over playback device
Basic usage
import { MixPlayer } from "MixPlayer";
MixPlayer.onAudioEnd(() => {
console.log("Audio ended! Now what?");
await MixPlayer.wait();
MixPlayer.play(PathLike file)
Plays a supported file type (FLAC, MP3, Ogg, VOC, and WAV). Will either use default system playback device or output device selected by MixPlayer.setPlaybackDevices().
Pauses current audio.
Resumes current audio.
Plays current audio from beginning, even after it has ended.
MixPlayer.seek(Number seconds)
Seeks audio to given time. Does not work if audio has ended.
MixPlayer.setVolume(Number volume)
Sets playback volume. Volume ranges from 0 (silence) - 128 (full loudness). Default is 128.
MixPlayer.getVolume() -> Number
Returns current volume.
MixPlayer.isPlaying() -> Boolean
Returns true if audio is currently playing. False otherwise.
MixPlayer.getAudioDuration() -> Number
Returns the total duration of current audio in seconds
MixPlayer.getAudioPosition() -> Number
Get the time current position of audio stream, in seconds.
MixPlayer.wait() -> Promise
Returns a Promise that resolves when audio ends, resolving immediately if none is playing. Also resolves if audio is paused or MixPlayer is destroyed.
MixPlayer.onAudioEnd(Function callback)
Set a callback that fires when audio ends.
MixPlayer.setFadeIn(Number milliseconds)
Sets the amount of time taken to go from silence to full volume. Default is 0 ms.
MixPlayer.loop(bool shouldLoop)
Switches the option to loop current audio when it ends. If looping is enabled, then the promise from MixPlayer.wait() will not resolve after audio ends.
MixPlayer.getOutputDevices() -> String[]
Returns an array of available playback device names. The first element is the default system playback device.
MixPlayer.setPlaybackDevice(Number index)
Set the playback device to the device at given index of MixPlayer.getAudioDevices(). Note that if the specified device disconnects, then output device is not automatically changed.
Destroy MixPlayer, uninitializing the player and removing the callback loop, to safely exit the program. MIXPLAYER CANNOT BE REINITIALIZED!