Mithril Knob component
Mithril Knob Component
Fully stylable "knob" input component for Mithril.js. Includes TypeScript types.
Try a live demo here.
Designed for Synth-like knobs which are useful for fine-grained numeric inputs.
Note that out of the box, this component provides no visual representation at all! You must provide your own CSS, and optionally render the content of the knob itself.
The component will only render a single div having the class "mithril-knob"
. It will handle and interpret mouse and touch events for you, translated into input values clamped to the specified min/max range. It will also provide accessibility attributes, aria attributes and handle keyboard navigation.
How the component is visually represented is up to you. See examples for some "presets" you can use or customize.
npm install mithril-knob
(TypeScript types are included.)
All Attrs Properties:
interface Attrs {
/** Minimum value (default 0) */
min?: number;
/** Maximum value (default 1) */
max?: number;
/** Step amount (default 0 = infinite) */
step?: number;
/** Distance in pixels to travel to max (default 100) */
distance?: number;
/** Axis of drag motion to change value (default 'y') */
axis?: 'x' | 'y' | 'xy';
/** Optional element id */
id?: string | null;
/** Optional input name. If provided, a hidden input element will be renderd having the current value */
name?: string | null;
/** Optional input value */
value?: number | string;
/** Optional class to apply to containing element */
className?: string | null;
class?: string | null;
style?: string | {[id: string]: any;} | null;
/** Change (commit) value event handler. Return false to prevent redraw. */
onChange?(value: number): false | void;
/** Drag value event handler. Return false to prevent redraw. */
onDrag?(value: number): false | void;
Development Install:
First git clone this repo. Then:
npm install
Build module
npm run build
Serve, compile & watch example app:
npm start
Then go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser.