Mist API wrapper for node. Used for accessing all Mist APIs.
Mist API
A native node.js plugin which uses the C99 Mist implementation. Currently working with Linux x86_64 and nodejs v6, v8, v10. To get it working you need to run a Wish Core on the same host.
npm install mist-api
var MistNode = require('mist-api').MistNode;
function Motor() {
var name = 'Motor';
var number = 42;
// create a mist node (with a unique name per wish core)
var node = new MistNode({ name: name }); // , coreIp: '', corePort: 9094
// add `mist` endpoint
node.addEndpoint('mist', { type: 'string' });
// add `mist.name` as subendpoint to mist
node.addEndpoint('mist.name', { type: 'string', read: function(args, peer, cb) { cb(null, name); } });
// add readable and writable `number` endpoint
node.addEndpoint('number', {
type: 'float',
read: function(args, peer, cb) { cb(null, number); },
write: function(value, peer, cb) {
// write the internal state variable for `number` endpoint
number = parseFloat(value);
// signal successful write
// signal `number` value changed
// update number every 5 sec
var interval = setInterval(() => { number++; node.changed('number'); }, 5000);
// add an invokable endpoint
node.addEndpoint('getLog', {
type: 'invoke',
invoke: function(args, peer, cb) {
cb(null, { dataset: [{ x: 2, y: 45 }, { x: 5, y: 55 }], request: args, requestee: peer });
this.shutdown = function() { clearInterval(interval); node.shutdown(); };
// create Motor instance to run
var motor = new Motor();
// clean shutdown:
// motor.shutdown();
node-gyp fails on c++ compile error "class v8 has no member IsUint8Array" or similar
This occurs on hosts that have node.js 0.10.x installed as 'nodejs', and node-gyp. Solution:
This usually occurs on a host with multiple node.js installations, or if are on a host with an outdated system-wide installation of node.js (Such as many slightly older Debian installations)
You should use Node version manager (NVM) to install node 6. https://github.com/creationix/nvm
Then you should switch your session to using node.js 6.x, 8, or 10 and install node-gyp to that instance of node.js:
nvm use 6
npm i -g node-gyp