Test your UI changes in production before deploying to production
Magic mirror in my hand, tell me if my website will look ugly in production before deploying to production.
This is a wrapper around the wonderful Nightmare.js for:
- Opening a matrix of urls and viewports with Chrome
- Specify a set of operations to perform
- Take a screenshot
- Make some changes (like swapping a CSS file, changing Js or HTML)
- Take another screenshot
- Compare the screenshots and save a diff file with the highlighted differences
Most important features:
- Crazy quick compare to Selenium with Phantom
- Able to hide/show Browser
- Works with any OS
- Able to use DevTools and do debugging with Chrome
- Node version: min: >=4.2.X
- How to use it on Headless CI Systems (Travis CI, Jenkins, etc.)
Build status: Unix:
Install it
$ npm install mirror-mirror
Use it
var mirror = require('mirror-mirror');
var runner = mirror();
urls: {
home: 'https://www.amazon.com'
selector: '#nav-search',
transform: () => {
// Replace Amazon search with Google widget. Because it is funny.
return '<form name="cse" id="searchbox_demo" action="https://www.google.com/cse">' +
'<input type="hidden" name="cref" value="" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="ie" value="utf-8" />' +
'<input type="hidden" name="hl" value="" />' +
'<input name="q" type="text" size="40" />' +
'<input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" />' +
'</form>' +
'<script type="text/javascript" src="https%3A%2F%2Fcse.google.com%2Fcse/tools/onthefly?form=searchbox_demo&lang="></script>';
screenshotsPath: './screenshots'
runner.run((err, result) => {
home: {
after: '/Users/mfigus/Documents/os/mirror-mirror/screenshots/home-after.png',
before: '/Users/mfigus/Documents/os/mirror-mirror/screenshots/home-before.png',
diff: '/Users/mfigus/Documents/os/mirror-mirror/screenshots/home-diff.png',
isDifferent: true,
equality: 99.82844939446368
Set up an instance
var mirror = Mirror([NighmareOptions]);
Look at Nighmare.js options.
Configure the runner
This is an object with the following structure:
|after|array of functions
|no|An array of nightmareJs actions to perform after the transformation and before the second screenshots. Look at the example below|
|before|array of functions
|no|An array of nightmareJs actions to perform before the first screenshots. Look at the example below|
|no|Default 3, is the concurrency of tests|
|no|Allows to specify cookies to be used for each request|
|no|When true, shows stuff in the console|
|no|Allows to specify headers to be used for each request|
|no|Default 3, number of retries after a failing session|
|yes|The path where to save the screenshots|
|yes|The css selector for the DOM tree you want to transform. It can be anything document.querySelector
can understand|
|no|Default 20000, when the sessions is going to be restarted|
or function
|yes|The transformation to apply to the selector. If string
, element will be replaced with the markup provided in the string. When function
, it needs to transform a string to be replaced in the selected DOM tree. The function will have an element as parameter - the result of previous selection|
|yes|The urls to test. Key is used to generate screenshots file name so keep it simple and without spaces and stuff|
|viewports|array of arrays
|no|Default [[800, 600]]
, is an array containing all the viewport resolutions for executing the tests|
Nightmare actions example
This example shows how to make a screenshot with a menu opened, assuming the transformation replaces the menu and then needs to run another javascript initialisation and then wait to complete before performing the same action again.
before: [
// Assuming jQuery is in the page
nightmare => nightmare.evaluate(() => $('navbar-button').click())
after: [
(nightmare) => {
return nightmare.evaluate(() => {
window.menusReady = false;
window.menus.initialise(() => {
window.menusReady = true;
nightmare => nightmare.wait(() => window.menusReady === true),
nightmare => nightmare.evaluate(() => $('navbar-button').click())
Start the runner
Where callback is going to have an error and/or a response with the results. If any of the requests fails, the callback will include both an error + the response with succeeding screenshot links.
Yes please. Open an issue first.