Minimal chainable semantic output styler/writer
Minimal semantic output styler API with default implementations.
A pluggable output styler/coloriser interface to embed in (development) tools and reporters. Offers a standard interface for customisable styled text output. The minimalistic API allows for overwrites to suit any environment.
Intend as companion to miniwrite (et al).
Main usage:
// standard console colors
var ms = ministyle.ansi();
// semantic stylers (and color conventions)
var str = ms.muted('ignorable grey');
var str = ms.plain('plain main');
var str = ms.accent('flashy cyan');
var str = ms.signal('bright magenta');
var str = ms.success('good green');
var str = ms.warning('annoying yellow');
var str = ms.error('bad red');
// usage
console.log('this is ' + ms.success('very amaze'));
Bundled implementations:
// default
var ms = ministyle.base();
// return as-is
var ms = ministyle.plain();
// ansi terminal codes
var ms = ministyle.ansi();
// html spans with default colors
var ms = ministyle.html();
// html spans with css class
var ms = ministyle.css();
// colors.js getters
var ms = ministyle.colorjs();
// grunt v0.4.x
var ms = ministyle.grunt();
// blank chars
var ms = ministyle.empty();
// dev style wraps with [style:names])
var ms =;
Advanced sub types
Apply each style in-order
// standard methods will pass the value though each sub-style and return the result
var ms = ministyle.stack(styles);
ms.enabled = true;
ms.stack = [];
Peek and update string:
// standard methods pass value through callback
var ms = ministyle.peek(callback, main, alt?);
ms.enabled = true;
ms.callback = function(str, type, main, alt); //return new string, or false to send input to alt = otherStyleA;
ms.alt = otherStyleB;
Toggle to alternative:
// standard methods will use main if enabled, otherwise alt
var ms = ministyle.toggle(main, alt?);
ms.main = otherStyleA;
ms.alt = otherStyleB;
ms.enabled = true;
// hacky = otherStyleC;
Build your own
var obj = {
plain: function (str) {
return str;
success: function (str) {
return str;
accent: function (str) {
return str;
signal: function (str) {
return str;
warning: function (str) {
return str;
error: function (str) {
return str;
muted: function (str) {
return str;
Make it bigger:
var ms = ministyle.plain();
ms.error = ms.success = function(str) {
return str.toUpperCase();
Safe html:
var ms = ministyle.peek(ministyle.escapeHTML, ministyle.css());
$ npm install ministyle --save
- Code/style generator to replicate style-type logic (needs to be efficient though).
- 0.1.4 - Update to fix npm's README
- 0.1.2 - Added signal colour, enabled strict mode, split in internal modules
- 0.1.0 - Added tests, publishing to npm.
- 0.0.1 - Extracted styling from miniwrite.
Install development dependencies in your git checkout:
$ npm install
Build and run tests:
$ grunt
See the Gruntfile.js
for additional commands.
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using Grunt.
Note: this is an opinionated module: please create a ticket to discuss any big ideas. Pull requests for bug fixes are of course always welcome.
Copyright (c) 2013 Bart van der Schoor
Licensed under the MIT license.