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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




A command line tool to build & watch MiniProgram.





npm version cnpm version

Build Status Build Status Greenkeeper badge

A command line tool to build & watch MiniProgram. Not a Framework, just a tool.

小程序命令行构建工具。 不是开发框架,只是自动化的增强工具和开发流程。

template project 模板项目

task flow

注: 自动预览功能需要安装微信开发工具并打开端口设置

使用 Usage

立即尝试 quick start

查看全部命令 show all commands (需要 npm >= 5.2)

npx miniprogram-build -h

作为开发依赖项 install as devDependence

npm i miniprogram-build -D

命令参数 CLI

miniprogram-build [command...] [--option]

Short Alias [短名称]: mpmp-build

命令 Commands:

dev         build and watch <构建和检测文件修改>
init        create config file <创建配置文件>
build       clean and compile <清理和编译所有文件>
watch       watch file changes <监测文件变化>
compile     compile all source files to dist <编译所有源文件>
clean       remove all files in dist <清理dist>

upload      upload current project <上传项目>
open        open project in devtool <打开项目>
autopreview auto-preview project <当前项目发布自动预览>
close       close dist in Wechat devtool <开发工具中关闭项目>
quit        quit Wechat devtool <退出微信开发工具>

js          compile ts/js files to `.js` <编译生成js>
wxs         compile wxts/wxs files to `.wxs` <编译生成wxs>
wxss        compile scss/sass/css/wxss to `.wxss` <编译生成wxss>
wxml        compile html/wxml files to `.wxml` <编译生成wxml>
json        compile all json/jsonc files to `.json` <编译生成json>
image       compresse all images in source to dist <压缩所有图片>
copy        copy all files match `copy` to dist <复制需要复制的文件>
npm         build npm dependencies to dist <编译npm依赖>

参数 Options:

  --version     show version number <查看本版号>                       [boolean]
  --production  production mode <发布模式会优化压缩>  [boolean] [default: false]
  --src         source folder <源文件目录>           [string] [default: "src"]
  --dist        output folder <编译输出目录>        [string] [default: "dist"]
  --exclude     ignored files <编译忽略文件(夹)>                         [array]
  --tsconfig    typescript config file <TS配置,未设置会自动查找tsconfig.json>
  --copy        files to copy <复制的文件>
  --assets      assets folder under src/ for compling style, wont put to dist
                                                    [string] [default: "assets"]
  --var         KEY value pair to replace in js/json <替换JS和JSON中的变量>
  -c, --config  JSON config file <配置置文件,命令参数优先级高于配置>
  -h, --help    show help <显示帮助信息>                               [boolean]

例子 examples

  • 使用配置开发调试, dev with
npx miniprogram-build
  • 使用生产环境开启优化重新编译,rebuild for production with

如果 production 参数未指定, 环境变量中 NODE_ENV 为 productionprod时同样置为 true

npx miniprogram-build build --config=./ --production
  • 编译替换{ {APP_ID} }为 1234567, compile the source and replace template var { {APP_ID} } with 123456
npx miniprogram-build compile --var.APP_ID=1234567

默认配置文件 default config

    "production": false,
    "src": "src",
    "dist": "dist",
    "assets": "assets",
    "copy": "",
    "exclude": [],
    "tsconfig": "tsconfig.json",
    "var": {
        "APP_ID": "all {{APP_ID}} in json/ts files will replaced by this value"


npx miniprogram-build init

完整命令和参数 commands & options

commands & options


  • CSS npm packags install as devDependences with npm i -D (CSS 的 npm 依赖使用npm i -D方式安装)


  • js
    • [x] compile TS
    • [x] sourcemaps
    • [x] replace { {VAR_NAME} }
    • [x] tree shaking
  • wxs
    • [x] compile TS (.wxts)
    • [x] replace { {VAR_NAME} }
    • [x] npm support
    • [x] tree shaking
  • wxss
    • [x] compile
      • scss/sass
      • css
    • [x] replace { {VAR_NAME} } (注意: 为了防止 stylelint 报错, 需要将变量用引号包裹起来, 内部会自动去除)
    • [x] import node_modules
    • [x] sourcemaps
    • [x] minify (release) / expanded (debug)
    • [x] inline image
      • svg datauri
      • png/jpg base64
      • image compress
    • [x] clean-css
    • [x] keep import wxss
    • [x] assest folder
  • wxml
    • [x] wxml
    • [x] html
    • [x] copy rename
    • [x] error report
  • JSON
    • [x] comments (添加注释)
    • [x] trailing comma
    • [x] minify
    • [x] replace { {VAR_NAME} }
  • miniprogram npm
    • [x] rollup js lib
    • [x] components
  • resource
    • [x] copy/src
    • [x] image compress
    • [x] error report
  • console verbose
    • [x] all files
    • [x] file size


  • [x] exclude path
  • [x] multi watcher
  • [x] config
  • [x] 显示报错位置
  • [x] break errors
  • [ ] cache

test examples

see test

npm i
npm start

[21:31:41] config: v0.0.0 load config .mpconfig.jsonc
[21:31:41] 0.clean: dist
[21:31:41] ↓↓↓↓↓↓ start compile: src → dist ↓↓↓↓↓↓
[21:31:42] 3.wxss: [►] app.scss → app.wxss
[21:31:42] 4.json: [►] app.jsonc → app.json
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (app.json)
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] app.ts → app.js
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (app.ts)
[21:31:42] inline: assets\images\arrow-up.svg → (app.css)
[21:31:42] 6.image: icons\uEA01-arrow-down.svg  (saved 586 B - 76.8%)
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.js
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-network> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-network\index.js
[21:31:42] 1.wxts: [►] wxs\comm.wxts → wxs\comm.wxs
[21:31:42] 7.javascript: [►] lib\t.js → lib\t.js
[21:31:42] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (lib\t.js)
[21:31:42] 3.wxss: [►] pages\index\index.scss → pages\index\index.wxss
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] lib\test.ts → lib\test.js
[21:31:42] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.json
[21:31:42] 1.wxts: [►] wxs\x.wxts → wxs\x.wxs
[21:31:42] 4.json: [√] app.json (40 B)
[21:31:42] 6.image: √ All 1 file done! (177 B)[1.06秒]
[21:31:42] 5.typescript: [►] pages\index\index.ts → pages\index\index.js
[21:31:44] 7.javascript: [√] lib\t.js (286 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.wxml
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: [√] app.wxss (1.02 kB)
[21:31:44] 8.wxml: [√] pages\index\index.wxml (360 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: [►] <miniprogram-image(component)> → miniprogram_npm\miniprogram-image\index.wxss
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: [√] pages\index\index.wxss (562 B)
[21:31:44] 3.wxss: √ All 2 files done! (1.59 kB)[2.44秒]
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] (431 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] app.js (269 B)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: √<miniprogram-image(component)> All 4 files done! (6.99 kB)[2.05秒]
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] lib\ (162 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] lib\test.js (130 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] pages\index\ (235 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: [√] pages\index\index.js (178 B)
[21:31:44] 5.typescript: √ All 6 files done! (1.41 kB)[2.19秒]
[21:31:44] replace: √ {{APP_ID}} → 123456 (wxs\comm.wxs)
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: [√] wxs\comm.wxs (16.2 kB)
[21:31:44] 2.npm: √<miniprogram-network> All 1 file done! (28.3 kB)[2.48秒]
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: [√] wxs\x.wxs (66 B)
[21:31:44] 1.wxts: √ All 2 files done! (16.3 kB)[2.52秒]
[21:31:44] ↑↑↑↑↑↑ √ All compilation tasks done! ↑↑↑↑↑↑