A micro content editing system for express
Minimum Viable Editor
A micro content editing system for the express framework and any frontend.
This content editor uses a js object as data format, the same as most express templating engines.
Adds a nice looking medium-editor to every html-tag with a data-mve-html attribute.
To edit a page, add #editor (defined in config) to the url. And then click on the text you want to edit. Press ctrl + s or click the floppydisk in the lower right corner to save.
Editor Attributes
Add a data-mve-text="[path to text in content json]"
attribute and the tag becomes contenteditable.
Add a data-mve-number="[path to text in content json]"
attribute and the tag becomes contenteditable but only numbers and "." is allowed. The property in json will be a number instead of a string.
Add a data-mve-html="[path to text in content json]"
attribute and a medium editor is added to the tag.
Add a data-mve-list="[path to list in content json]"
attribute to be able to clone, delete
and rearrenge items within the list. The path can be relative to a parent list, add ./
in the begining of the path.
<ul data-mve-list="content.items">
{{#each content.items}}
<li data-mve-html="./">{{name}}</li>
The data path for the items become content.items.0, content.items.1.
Changes the scope for the data-mve-* tags below. Makes refactoring and texts in partials easier. And might save some bytes in the html.
<section data-mve-with="article">
<h2 data-mve-text="./header">{{article.header}}</h2>
data-mve-image (Beta)
Adds an imagefile upload for images.
<img src={{image}} data-mve-image="{{image}} />
Click on the image to upload a new one.
Install package
npm install minimum-viable-editor --save
In your node app:
const mve = require('minimum-viable-editor');
dataPath : './data'; // folder for content json and uploaded files.
users : ['user:123'] //users to be able to edit the content in the form username:password
router.get('/content.json', mve.addContent(), (req, res, next) => res.json(req.content));
See setup parameters for more config parameters.
Add a json file in the dataPath folder with your content data. And add the folder assets upload.
Setup parameters
Parameters to pass into mve.setup.
| Parameter | Default | Description | |---------------|------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | auth | mve.basicAuth() | Authentification middleware for content routes. | | contentPath | [dataPath] | Folder on server for storage of content. | | dataPath | ./data | Folder on server for content and file storage. | | editorUrl | /mve | Route for mve. Used for communication between server and client | | filesPath | [dataPath]/files | Folder for file uploads. | | hash | editor | Hash to att to url in browser to show the editor. eg. /page#editor | | mediumOptions | {} | Options for the Medium Editor | | splitContent | false | If the content should be splited into multiple files. | | storage | file | Use file storage, more types are in the roadmap as cloud or database storage. | | users | [] | Array of allowed users for content reading and writing. ["user:pwd",...] |
Public method in the package.
| Method | Parameters | Description | |-----------------|-------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------| | mve.addContent | lang, addMetaData | Middleware that adds content to req.content | | mve.setup | see setup | Initializes the editor | | mve.getContent | lang | fetches the content from storage, returns a promise. | | mve.getMetaData | lang | fetches metadata about the javascript assets to load. | | mve.basicAuth | | Middleware for basicAuth, used by the content router. Uses setup.users | | mve.treeEditor | content | returns html for a simple data object editor |
And in the html add (in handlebars) :
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{_mve.loader}}"></script>
Where the handlebars template data is req.content
Add an extra data-mve attribute to every tag you want to edit. Use the lodash set/get format to define the data property.
(here with handlebars as templating engine)
<h3 data-mve-text="about.header">{{"about.header}}</h3>
<img data-mve-image="about.image" src="{{about.image.src}}" />
<div data-mve-list="{{about.sections}}"
{{#each about.sections }}
<div data-mve-html="./text">
Tree editor
MVE also includes a simple json tree editor.
router.get('/content', mve.basicAuth, mve.addContent(), (req, res, next) => {
res.render('content', {
html : mve.treeEditor(req.content),
_mve : req.content._mve
Add a lang parameter to addContent to retrive another language.
router.get('/content', mve.basicAuth, mve.addContent('sv_se'), (req, res, next) => {
res.render('content', {
html : mve.treeEditor(req.content),
_mve : req.content._mve
router.get('/content.json', mve.addContent('sv_se', false), (req, res, next) => {
A sv_se.json
need to be added to the data folder. The _mve property in content is updated for the new language.
The editor doesn't provide any kind of security except the basic auth. To change authentification middleware pass a auth middleware to setup as a auth-parameter. Or Implement something more complicated with the advanced setup.
Editing of invisible elements
Since its only possible to edit visible elements you have to create a different page and add these texts as normal elements. To fetch the editor directly instead of adding #editor, use the index.js.
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{_mve.index}}"></script>
Syncronize content
It could be discussed if the data folder with content should be commited and deployed together with the source. It simplifies deployment of new features a lot. To avoid to write over changed content during deployment a sync script is provided. Add to scripts in package.json
"sync-content" : "mve-sync https://[remote server]/content.json ./data/sv_se.json"
And run npm run sync-content
before starting on new content and before release. The local content and remote content will be deep merged with the remote content as master.
soon :(