A small Javascript wrapper for talking to the Janus WebRTC signaling API. Forked from minijanus.js to add TS support and additional functionality.
Forked from Minijanus.js. This is rebuilt with TypeScript first, moves to Yarn and Jest from NPM and Tape, and is adding support for plugins as needed. Currently, it adds the videoroom plugin. I would like to improve the documentation further as I've added a few more features, but haven't gotten around to it yet. This is still early and being worked through as I have use cases for it.
npm install minijanus-ts
yarn add minijanus-ts
Description below is from the minijanus README:
A super-simplistic and -minimal wrapper for talking to the Janus signalling API. Developed for use with
Janus as a web game networking backend via janus-plugin-sfu, but fundamentally plugin-agnostic. Designed to
provide useful possible abstractions while still providing the maximum possible control over RTCPeerConnection
configuration and precise plugin signalling flow.
If you want a batteries-included wrapper, you should use the one distributed by the Janus developers -- janus.js. This one is different in a few ways:
- It doesn't try to maintain compatibility with older browsers very hard; the use case is modern browsers only.
- It's very small and straightforward, so it may serve as a useful reference client for people who want to better understand the signalling API.
- It gives you control over most of the configuration and usage of the
directly, whereas janus.js wraps and manages the connection for you.
If you want a similar but moderately more featureful wrapper, check out minnie-janus.
Require minijanus-ts
. It should work with ES6 (or greater) or CommonJS syntax.
var ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8188", "janus-protocol");
var session = new JanusSession(ws.send.bind(ws));
var handle = new JanusPluginHandle(session);
var conn = new RTCPeerConnection({});
ws.addEventListener("message", ev => session.receive(JSON.parse(;
ws.addEventListener("open", _ => {
.then(_ => handle.attach("janus.plugin.sfu"))
.then(_ => {
conn.addEventListener("icecandidate", ev => {
handle.sendTrickle(ev.candidate || null).catch(e => console.error("Error trickling ICE: ", e));
conn.addEventListener("negotiationneeded", _ => {
var offer = conn.createOffer();
var local = offer.then(o => conn.setLocalDescription(o));
var remote = offer.then(j => handle.sendJsep(j)).then(r => conn.setRemoteDescription(r.jsep));
Promise.all([local, remote]).catch(e => console.error("Error negotiating offer: ", e));
var unreliableCh = conn.createDataChannel("unreliable", { ordered: false, maxRetransmits: 0 });
var reliableCh = conn.createDataChannel("reliable", { ordered: true });
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true })
.then(m => m.getTracks().forEach(t => conn.addTrack(t, m)))
.catch(e => console.error("Error acquiring media: ", e));
return new Promise(resolve => handle.on("webrtcup", resolve));
.then(_ => {"Connected to Janus: ", conn); })
.catch(e => { console.error("Error connecting to Janus: ", e); });
(Note that this example code first negotiates only the data channels, and then renegotiates afterward when the microphone permission is provided. Only recent versions of Janus support renegotiation. If you didn't want this, you would instead wait to create the connection until the microphone permission was granted.)
$ yarn build
$ yarn test
Contributions needed
- The types could be improved. The parameters for certain functions could be typed with sum types with all the possible combinations of requests Janus allows. They are current typed as "any" in some cases.