Minimalist Handlebars.js
Why MiniHandlebars?
- ~82% faster than the official library compiling from markup to html on chrome/v8
- 93.72% smaller file with just 59 lines or 1.1KB minified (639 bytes gzipped)
- a TON more flexible; blocks are just javascript functions that take any number of arguments, and like express/sinatra we make no assumptions about which ones you want.
- NO dependencies
Inspired by handlebars, mini-coffeecup, async2, and stylus libraries.
As I was developing mini-handlebars, I had a better idea which became coffee-templates. I will still keep mini-handlebars around for posterity, but no new features are likely to be added.
Quick Example
# this line is only required within node
MiniHandlebars = require 'mini-handlebars'
# initialize new engine
handlebars = new MiniHandlebars
santa_laugh: 'Ho, ho, ho!'
# note that you define all your own blocks;
# they are just functions that take any number of arguments
# but the first two arguments are always the same and required.
each: (template, data, enumerable, key, value) ->
out = ''
for k of data[enumerable]
unless {}.hasOwnProperty data[enumerable], k # optional
_data = MiniHandlebars._extend data[enumerable][k] # optional
_data['this'] = _data['this'] || data[enumerable][k] # optional
typeof key is 'undefined' or _data[key] = k # optional
typeof value is 'undefined' or _data[value] = data[enumerable][k] # optional, you know what you need!
out += handlebars.render template, _data
# note that blocks and variables can be written
# the same; the additional pound (#) is optional.
# this is how i cache the templates in js:
handlebars.templates['test'] = '<!doctype html><html><head></head><body><p>Hello, {{name}}!</p><p>Here are your Christmas lists ({{santa_laugh}}):</p><table><thead><tr>{{each children, name}}<th>{{name}}</th>{{/each}}</tr></thead><tbody><tr>{{each children, name}}<td>{{each list}}<ul><li>{{this}}</li></ul>{{/each}}</td>{{/each}}</tr></tbody></table></body></html>'
# this will compile html output.
# there is no in-between-js-function render stage, and there may never be
# both-stages-in-one are already faster than the original lib
# and i found the time acceptable for my purposes.
console.log handlebars.render handlebars.templates['test'],
name: 'Giver'
list: ['ninja turtles mask', 'mario kart legos', 'airplane']
list: ['something sweet']
As usual, for the latest examples, review the easy-to-follow ./test/
Or try it immediately in your browser with codepen.
- add support for triple-stach/escaping utils? i just haven't needed it, yet. its all unescaped by default.
- make it so blocks don't have to take arguments if they don't want to