Welcome to minECS, a fully serializable entity component system designed for type safety and efficient state management. Originally forked from bitECS, minECS utilizes schema classes to enhance the structure and reliability of your game's data.
minECS: Typed State Entity Component System
Welcome to minECS, a fully serializable entity component system designed for type safety and efficient state management. Originally forked from bitECS, minECS utilizes schema classes to enhance the structure and reliability of your game's data.
Defining Components
In minECS, components are easily defined using the Schema
class and the @Component
decorator. These components automatically register when you import them into your project. Here are examples of how to define components for position and velocity:
class Position extends Schema {
x: number;
y: number;
class Velocity extends Schema {
x: number;
y: number;
Systems in minECS can operate manually or within the engine. Use the @System
decorator to specify which components a system requires. Systems are dynamically recreated for each world instance to facilitate specific interactions:
@System(Position, Velocity)
class MovementSystem extends SystemImpl {
run = (world: World, entity: number) => {
const position = world(Position, entity);
const velocity = world(Velocity, entity);
position.x += velocity.x;
position.y += velocity.y;
Managing Worlds
Worlds manage the complete state of your game, letting you add and remove entities and components:
const world = createWorld();
const entity = addEntity(world);
addComponent(world, Position, entity);
addComponent(world, Velocity, entity, {
x: 30,
y: 30,
console.log({ ...world(Position, entity) }); // { x: 0, y: 0, type: "Position" }
console.log({ ...world(Position, entity) }); // { x: 30, y: 30, type: "Position" }
minECS supports multiple serialization formats: JSON, Binary, and base64. This feature allows you to save and restore game states easily:
const json = serializeWorld(SerialMode.JSON, world);
const buffer = serializeWorld(SerialMode.BINARY, world);
const base64 = serializeWorld(SerialMode.BASE64, world);
const newWorldFromJSON = deserializeWorld(json);
const newWorldFromBinary = deserializeWorld(buffer);
const newWorldFromBase64 = deserializeWorld(base64);
Additional Features and Systems
In addition to the core functionalities, minECS offers a suite of advanced features to provide more control and flexibility in game development. These include system execution controls, manual and automated system runs, system initialization and cleanup, advanced component types, and detailed entity management. Explore these features to fully leverage the power of minECS in your projects.
System Execution Control with Depth
In minECS, the depth
property of a system determines the order and automatic execution behavior. Systems with different depth values are executed in ascending order, where lower numbers run first.
class SomeSystem extends SystemImpl {
static depth = 0; // Lower numbers run first, executed automatically
Manual Execution Only: If a system is assigned a depth less than 0
it will not run automatically during the standard run
cycle. Instead, it must be run manually. This is useful for systems that require explicit control or should only execute under specific conditions:
class ManualOnlySystem extends SystemImpl {
static depth = -1; // This system will only run when manually triggered
run = (world: World, eid: number) => {
// Implementation details
To run a system manually, you can use the run
or runAll
methods of the system instance, providing flexibility in how and when certain parts of your game logic are executed:
const world = createWorld();
const system = getSystem(world, ManualOnlySystem);
system.runAll(world); // Runs the system manually for all entities
system.run(world, entity); // Runs the system manually for a specific entity
System Initialization
Systems can have an initialization function that runs once when a new entity that matches the system's criteria is added:
class SomeInitializationSystem extends SystemImpl {
init = (world: World, eid: number) => {
// Initialization code here
System Cleanup
Systems can define a cleanup function that executes when a component is removed or an entity is deleted. This helps in managing state cleanup reliably:
class SomeCleanupSystem extends SystemImpl {
cleanup = (world: World, eid: number) => {
// Cleanup code here
Advanced Component Types
Enhance your components with nested structures, nullable options, and various data types for more complex scenarios:
class Complex extends Schema {
position: Position;
message: string;
numbers: number[];
flag: boolean;
obj: any;
nullableString: string | null;
class NestedComplex extends Schema {
complex: Complex;
complexes: Complex[];
Entity and Component Management
The library provides comprehensive functions to manage entities and components dynamically:
const world = createWorld();
const entity = addEntity(world);
addComponent(world, SomeComponent, entity);
removeComponent(world, SomeComponent, entity);
removeEntity(world, entity); // Cleans up all components associated with the entity
These functions give you full control over the entities and components in the system, ensuring that you can dynamically adjust the game world as needed.