Collection of useful Minecraft Forge development related utilities.
Minecraft Forge Utils
The Minecraft Forge Utils simplify some of the manual tasks and allows a more enjoying development experience.
- Java Development Kit (JDK)
- NodeJS (v7.0 or greater)
- Visual Studio Code or any other compatible JAVA IDE
Installation (optional)
For better performance and offline capability reasons it is recommended to use a local copy of the tools.
This can be done inside the project folder with the following command:
npx minecraft-forge-utils init
How to use the utils
Use the npx command to run the utils with one of the commands in your project folder.
The init command prepares the workspace and installs a local copy of the needed tools for performance and offline capability.
Use the following command inside a empty folder:
npx minecraft-forge-utils init
After this was successful you should use the npx minecraft-forge-utils new
command to setup your new project.
The new command creates a new project with the required folder and files. It should be only used for new projects and never for existing projects.
To start a new project use npx minecraft-forge-utils new
which will ask for
additional details like:
The add commands gives you an selection of pre-defined templates which could be used to create new blocks and items.
The create command is used to create empty files for a specific group of items or blocks.
Instead of creating 16 files manually for each color dye type you can just use:
npx minecraft-forge-utils create files color <filename>
Instead of creating 8 files manually for each wood type you can just use:
npx minecraft-forge-utils create files wood <filename>
run / run client
The run / run client command tries to start a Minecraft client with your mod.
Example: npx minecraft-forge-utils run
You can add your own templates for repeating pattern within your project.
Template Format
The template engines tries to detect the correct settings on the given information. You can only use the template engine, if the project was created over the minecraft-forge-utils otherwise these information are missing.
Template Placeholders
The template engine provides the following basic placeholders:
- [[ --ModId-- ]]
- [[ --packageNamespace-- ]]
For items the following additional placeholders are provided:
- [[ --ItemName-- ]]
- [[ --ITEM_NAME-- ]]
- [[ --item_name-- ]]
- [[ --ItemClassName-- ]]
For blocks the following additional placeholders are provided:
- [[ --BLOCKNANE-- ]]
- [[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]]
- [[ --BlockName-- ]]
- [[ --blockName-- ]]
- [[ --block_name-- ]]
- [[ --blockname-- ]]
- [[ --BlockClassName-- ]]
Template commands
The template engine knows four commands to handle most of the common use cases.
@@@ create @@@
This command create the file if not already include the whole path with the given content, e.g:
+++ models/item/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
@@@ after: ... @@@
Adds the content after the give keyword, e.g:
+++ block/ModBlocks.java
@@@ after:@TemplateEntryPoint("Register Blocks") @@@
@@@ before: ... @@@
Adds the content before the given keyword, e.g:
+++ lang/en_us.json
@@@ before:"block.placeholder.text" @@@
@@@ copy:/.../ @@@
Copies the content from the given file, e.g:
+++ textures/block/[[ --block_name-- ]].png
@@@ copy:/resources/textures/block/CustomBlock.png @@@
Java Template
Your java template should be end with .java, a simple example looks like:
+++ block/[[ --BlockClassName-- ]].java
@@@ create @@@
package [[ --packageNamespace-- ]].block;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block;
public class [[ --BlockClassName-- ]] extends Block {
public [[ --BlockClassName-- ]](Properties properties) {
+++ block/ModBlocks.java
@@@ after:@TemplateEntryPoint("Register Blocks") @@@
public static final RegistryObject<Block> [[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]] =
BLOCKS.register("[[ --block_name-- ]]", () -> new [[ --BlockClassName-- ]](BlockBehaviour.Properties.of(Material.STONE)
.requiresCorrectToolForDrops().strength(3.0F, 6.0F).sound([[ --SoundType-- ]])));
+++ item/ModItems.java
@@@ after:@TemplateEntryPoint("Register Block Items") @@@
public static final RegistryObject<Item> [[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]] =
ITEMS.register("[[ --block_name-- ]]", () -> new BlockItem(ModBlocks.[[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]].get(),
new Item.Properties().tab(CreativeModeTab.TAB_BUILDING_BLOCKS)));
Resource Template
Resource templates should be end with .json, a simple example looks like:
+++ models/block/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"parent": "block/cube_all",
"textures": {
"all": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/[[ --block_name-- ]]"
+++ models/item/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"parent": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/[[ --block_name-- ]]"
+++ blockstates/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"variants": {
"": { "model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/[[ --block_name-- ]]" }
+++ textures/block/[[ --block_name-- ]].png
@@@ copy:/resources/textures/block/CustomBlock.png @@@
+++ lang/en_us.json
@@@ before:"block.placeholder.text" @@@
"block.[[ --ModId-- ]].[[ --block_name-- ]]": "[[ --BlockName-- ]]",
Data Template
Data templates should be end with .json, a simple example looks like:
+++ [[ --ModId-- ]]/loot_tables/blocks/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"type": "minecraft:block",
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"bonus_rolls": 0,
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"functions": [
"function": "minecraft:copy_name",
"source": "block_entity"
"name": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]"
"conditions": [
"condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"
+++ minecraft/tags/blocks/mineable/pickaxe.json
@@@ after:"values": [ @@@
"[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]",
+++ minecraft/tags/blocks/needs_iron_tool.json
@@@ after:"values": [ @@@
"[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]",
Mixed Template
Mixed templates should be end with .template. The template engine will try it best to detect the correct paths based on the given information. But in some cases it could be that it's not recognize the correct path and you need to split the files for the specific use-case.
Full example:
+++ block/ModBlocks.java
@@@ after:@TemplateEntryPoint("Register Blocks") @@@
public static final RegistryObject<Block> [[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]]_HALF_SLAP =
BLOCKS.register([[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab", () -> new HalfSlabBlock(Blocks.[[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]]_BLOCK));
+++ items/ModItems.java
@@@ after:@TemplateEntryPoint("Register Block Items") @@@
public static final RegistryObject<Item> [[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]]_HALF_SLAP =
ITEMS.register("[[ --block_name-- ]]_slab", () -> new BlockItem(ModBlocks.[[ --BLOCK_NAME-- ]]_HALF_SLAP.get(),
new Item.Properties().tab(MaterialElementsTab.TAB_PANEL_PLATES)));
+++ blockstates/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"variants": {
"face=floor": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab"
"face=wall,facing=north": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"x": 270,
"y": 180
"face=wall,facing=east": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"x": 270,
"y": 270
"face=wall,facing=south": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"x": 270
"face=wall,facing=west": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"x": 270,
"y": 90
"face=ceiling": {
"model": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"x": 180
+++ models/block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab.json
@@@ create @@@
"parent": "material_elements_panels_plates_slabs:block/template/half_slab",
"textures": {
"texture": "minecraft:block/[[ --block_name-- ]]_planks",
"particle": "minecraft:block/[[ --block_name-- ]]_planks"
+++ models/items/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab.json
@@@ create @@@
"parent": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:block/half_slab/[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab"
+++ loot_tables/blocks/[[ --block_name-- ]].json
@@@ create @@@
"type": "minecraft:block",
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"bonus_rolls": 0,
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"functions": [
"function": "minecraft:copy_name",
"source": "block_entity"
"name": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab"
"conditions": [
"condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"
+++ recipes/[[ --block_name-- ]]_from_[[ --block_name-- ]]_planks_by_stonecutter.json
@@@ create @@@
"type": "minecraft:stonecutting",
"ingredient": {
"item": "minecraft:[[ --block_name-- ]]_planks"
"result": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"count": 4
+++ recipes/[[ --block_name-- ]]_from_[[ --block_name-- ]]_slab_by_stonecutter.json
@@@ create @@@
"type": "minecraft:stonecutting",
"ingredient": {
"item": "minecraft:[[ --block_name-- ]]_slab"
"result": "[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]_half_slab",
"count": 2
+++ minecraft/tags/blocks/mineable/pickaxe.json
@@@ after:"values": [ @@@
"[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]",
+++ minecraft/tags/blocks/needs_iron_tool.json
@@@ after:"values": [ @@@
"[[ --ModId-- ]]:[[ --block_name-- ]]",