A very basic HTML 5 drawing library. Taking inspiration from p5.js but much lighter weight.
MinDrawingJS - Minimal Drawing JS
I find myself using p5.js a lot. However often I don't want it as the focal point of the application. Therefore often I don't want the draw function constantly looping. I also find I only use a vary small portion of the library (the basic drawing functions). Therefore I have made a library that is effectively a thin wrapper over the underlying HTML canvas methods with a similar API to p5.js but without all the unnecessary stuff I don't want.
API Reference
Version: 1.1.0
HTML canvas
The library requires either a canvas object or an HTML canvas with a unique ID. eg:
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
Mindrawingjs.setup(canvas[, width, height])
canvas: Either a canvas object or an HTML canvas tag id as a string
width: HTML canvas width (optional)
height: HTML canvas height (optional)
If canvas width and height are not specified, the current canvas width will be used. This is useful if the width has been set using the HTML tag eg:<canvas id="myCanvas" width="800" height="600"></canvas>
Mindrawingjs.setCanvasSize(width, height)
Changes the canvas size to the specified size in pixels
width: The new canvas width
height: The new canvas height
Fills the screen with the specified color. Can be used to erase the canvas.
colour: The colour to fill the screen with. CSS style color e.g. #FF0000
Sets line and shape outline colour.
colour: The colour to set the line or outline to. CSS style color e.g. #FF0000
Sets line width in px
weight: Width of line in px
Sets fill colour
colour: The colour to set the fill to. CSS style color e.g. #FF0000
Mindrawingjs.rect(x, y, width, height)
Draws a rectangle
x: X-position of top left corner of the rectangle
y: Y-position of top left corner of the rectangle
width: Width of rectangle in px
height: Height of rectangle in px
Mindrawingjs.rotatedRect(x, y, width, height, angle[, originX, originY])
Draws a rectangle
x: X-position of top left corner of the rectangle
y: Y-position of top left corner of the rectangle
width: Width of rectangle in px
height: Height of rectangle in px
angle: Angle of rotation in radians
originX: X-position of origin point about which rotation occurs and shifts the local coordinate system of the rectangle's origin to here (optional, defaults to 0)
originY: X-position of origin point about which rotation occurs and shifts the local coordinate system of the rectangle's origin to here (optional, defaults to 0)
Mindrawingjs.ellipse(x, y, w[, h])
Draws an ellipse (or circle)
x: X-position of the centre of the ellipse
y: Y-position of the centre of the ellipse
w: Width of ellipse in px
h: Height of ellipse in px (optional)
If the final parameter is omitted, the ellipse will be a circle with diameter w.
Mindrawingjs.line(ax, ay, bx, by)
Draw a line between two points
ax: X-position of point 1
ay: Y-position of point 1
bx: X-position of point 2
by: Y-position of point 2
Mindrawingjs.bezier(ax, ay, bx, by, h1x, h1y, h2x, h2y)
Draw a bezier curve between two points
ax: X-position of start point
ay: Y-position of start point
bx: X-position of end point
by: Y-position of end point
h1x: X-position of handle 1 (start point handle)
h1y: Y-position of handle 1 (start point handle)
h2x: X-position of handle 2 (end point handle)
h2y: Y-position of handle 2 (end point handle)
Mindrawingjs.text(text, ax, ay)
Draws specified text at specified position
text: Text to display
ax: X-position of bottom-left corner
ay: Y-position of bottom-left corner
Sets the text size
size: Height of the text in px
<html lang="en">
<title>MinDrawingJS example</title>
<script src="../build/mindrawing.min.js"></script>
<canvas id="myCanvas"></canvas>
<canvas id="myCanvas2"></canvas>
<script type="text/javascript">
const RED = '#FF0000';
const GREEN = '#00FF00';
const BLUE = '#0000FF';
const BLACK = '#000';
const WHITE = '#FFF';
d = new Mindrawingjs();
d.setup('myCanvas', 800, 600);
d.line(0, 500, 800, 500);
d2 = new Mindrawingjs();
d2.line(0, 0, d2.width, d2.height);
d2.text("Hello world!", 25, 25 + 40);