The Minder Attribution Tool is a solution designed to analyze and attribute the impact of various marketing channels on the overall performance and success of marketing campaigns. It provides comprehensive insights into customer journeys, allowing for dat
✨ Minder Attribution - SDK React Native ✨
The Minder Attribution Tool is a solution designed to analyze and attribute the impact of various marketing channels on the overall performance and success of marketing campaigns. It provides comprehensive insights into customer journeys, allowing for data-driven decision-making and optimization of marketing strategies.
[ 👋 ] Getting Started
To get started with using Minder Attribution Browser SDK, install the package to your project via npm, yarn or script loader.
Install with NPM
npm install minder-att-react-native-sdk
Install with YARN
yarn add minder-att-react-native-sdk
Install with expo
expo install minder-att-react-native-sdk
[🎯] Roadmap
- SDK's
- ✅ Web
- ⌛ React Native
- Visual Interface
- ⌛ Customer Dashboard
- Handling with
- ✅ Capturing UTM Attribution data;
- ⌛ Capturing Mobile DeepLinks attribution;
- ✅ Conversion events;
- ✅ Anonymous users;
- ✅ Identified users;
- ✅ Merging users;