A min-stream tcp interface for js-git and node.js
A min-stream tcp interface for js-git and node.js
This module implements the following functions from the tcp interface.
createServer(port, [host]) -> source<socket>
connect(port, [host]) -> continuable<socket>
Here is an example creating a TCP echo server that accepts only the first client to connect.
var tcp = require('min-tcp');
// Create a tcp server listening at localhost port 8080
// server is a min-stream source that emits sockets as clients connect.
var server = tcp.createServer(8080);
// Wait for the first client to connect.
server(null, function (err, client) {
if (err) throw err; // This happens if there was a problem binding to the port.
console.log("A client connected");
// Pipe the client back to itself, implementing an echo server.
var continuable = client.sink(client.source);
// Start the flow of the streams and report error or end.
continuable(function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err.stack);
else console.log("The client disconnected");
console.log("Closing server so we don't accept more connections");
server(true, function (err) {
if (err) console.error(err.stack);
else console.log("The server is now closed");